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About Me

Ok what are the things that make me, well me? To start out I have a big heart, I become passionate about things very quickly if the strike me as deeply important. I love Audrey Hepburn movies. As poised as I look sometimes it bothers me how nerdy I actually am. I love the outdoors, especially the water, if I'm on a boat, canoe or tube during the summer I'm happy. I love animals I have a huge mutt named Mikey and a old cat named Cali (original I know, but I didn't ame her she is a rescue cat.)I read, write , paint, draw, and cook. Cooking is my one true love. I'm a really big family person, the idea of a family mostly. I love my two nieces to death and until I have kids of my own, they come first.Layout made by VaNeSsA

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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Roney Goode 1943-2008

My Blog

Yay me!

I got the manager position at the houghton lake store. No more west branch for me. Im excited! Big changes in store! Anyone want to celebrate?
Posted by on Wed, 07 May 2008 20:39:00 GMT

The Photo Studio

I'm pretty much working all the time if you or someone you know need portraits taken. I usually work in the Houghton lake store, but sometimes I'm in the west Branch store. If you want to make an appo...
Posted by on Mon, 05 May 2008 11:24:00 GMT

Boyfriend Application

Fill this out I'm taking applications for a man. -TristaPhysicalName? Age? Height? Eye Color? Hair Color? Best Physical Trait? Worst Physical Trait? Long or short hair? Do you have lots of body hair? ...
Posted by on Sun, 21 Jan 2007 18:54:00 GMT

The Great Firefly Hunt

The Great Firefly Hunt I still bear in mind those blistering summer nights of my childhood. The air was always full of moisture, and the streets were always jam-packed with giggling children dress...
Posted by on Thu, 27 Jul 2006 13:25:00 GMT

Dear You

Dear You, I'm sorry about all the pain I've caused. I'm sorry about the lies. I'm sorry about leaving you without a word. I'm sorry for the way I acted. I'm sorry for living like I do. I'm sorry for b...
Posted by on Sun, 11 Jun 2006 12:27:00 GMT

Blood Tears

Fuck these words that I write. They used to dance on rainbows and sunbeams, now they crawl through the dust and cobwebs that are strewn throughout my soul. The words stick like a spiders web in my th...
Posted by on Wed, 24 May 2006 15:46:00 GMT

"longest survey" Now you know how bored I am!

Time started:6:10 PMFirst Name:Trista Single or Taken:SingleGender:FemaleBirthday:October 15th Siblings:2 sisters, 1 Brother, 2 step sisters, 2 step brotherseye color:Changes with Mood Hazel/Green/Bro...
Posted by on Sun, 14 May 2006 14:58:00 GMT