My number one thing to do is spending tyme with MY BABY!! MOOKIE parties..drinking... spending money (of corse)...movies..FOOD!!! lol.."Can't fa get the food".. Any thing that has to do with spending time and talking with people
If i could meet ANY ONE it would most likely be ~SnOoP dOg~!! I love snoop every thing he does is clean..And hes the only person i know that can smoke a BlUnT at the police station LoL~~!!!!
Hip hop ,r&b, Rock, all urban i guess..some "rare" country (shh..dont tell no one)
I love horror..but ya gotta have these..Blow,Good fellas, Scare Face, Casino, And Sapranos BABY!!
~Fuck T.V..I HAVE A LIFE..~
My man!!!...he shows me that anything is possible