Music, books, cigarettes , writing, writers, eccentrics and the like.
How come if alcohol kills millions of brain cells, it never killed the ones that made me want to drink?
Refused, MewithoutYou, Murder by Death, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Final Fantasy, Norma Jean, The Chariot, The Bled, Flight of the Conchords, CONVERGE, Botch, With All Sincerity, Between The Buried and Me, Fear Before the March of Flames, the Jonbenet, Highwater Waltz, Beethoven, Mozart, Black Dahlia Murder, Queen, The Zep, The Red Death, Horse the Band, Norah Jones, Nobuo Uematsu, Kiss Kiss, Coldplay, At the Drive-in, The Beatles, Deathcab for Cutie, Glassjaw, Hiromi, Dashboard Confessional, The Blow, Incubus, The Mars Volta, The Shins, the Man in Black, Genghis Tron, Sky Eats Airplane, Beneath The Massacre, Job for a Cowboy, Our Beloved Watergate, Say Anything, See You Next Tuesday, The Red Chord, Every Time I Die, Through The Eyes of the Dead, Underoath, Rich Boy, Lil Wayne, Heavy Heavy Low Low, Ion Dissonance, Dead to Fall, Blood of Our Enemies, Upon a Burning Body, Terror, Throwdown, Embrace Today, Dorian Grey, War From a Harlots Mouth, Copeland, Anarbor, As Tall as Lions, Umbrellas, drmanhattan, This Providence, Yellow the Vertical, Small Towns Burn a Little Slower, After The Sirens, Goodbye Tomorrow, Mae, As Cities Burn, Fair, The Spill Canvas, Idle Discourse, Pop Pistol, Roma(R.I.P), Brighten, Worker Bee.
Any Quentin Tarentino flick, uhh... Boondock Saints, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Brick, The Professional, Fight Club, Red Dawn, The Goonies, The Power of One, Saving Private Ryan, Amelie, Los Diarios de la Moticicleta, Conan the Barbarian, Conan the Destroyer, Star Wars, The Matrix Trilogy, Princess Mononoke, Spirited Away, Little Nemo(yes LITTLE, not FINDING), and how could I forget the Harry Potter movies, Superman Returns, Spiderman, all that good shit.. the list goes on.
Adult Swim. X-Files, Entourage, Conan, The Contender, The Sopranos, Six Feet Under, Band of Brothers, Da Ali G Show, The Venture Brothers!
From Whom The Bell Tolls, East of Eden, Harry Potter, Animorphs zomg!
Ghandi, MLK Jr, Abraham Lincoln, Elvis, Josh Scogin, John Donne, Aaron Weiss, Dennis Lyxzen, Jesus of Nazareth.. and my iPod, as it saves my life every day.