About Me
I am 27 years old, and was born and raised in Cambridge MA. My passion lies in working with youth, helping them to find themselves, empower themselves, and strive for the best. I am a middle school guidance counselor, and have been for 3 years. What angers me most are social inequalities, and I believe that it is everyone's duty to fight against them.
I have a small group of close friends, who I consider my sisters. I am am a loyal person. I forgive, but never forget. polka layout @ HOT FreeLayouts.com MyHotComments
tons of questions that show your in depth side!
whats your name?: kini
what do people call you?: Mishu, Kinush, lita(lol..nobody knows!) Kin kin, kinita, andree
where you named after anything?: my name is Native American(Blackfoot). It means rosebud
if you were born the oppisite sex what would your name be?: I feel like i have two male names anyway, we can just keep those...lol
do people spell/say your name wrong?: chea!
if you could change your name what would you change it to?: When I was lil I wanted my name to be Samantha. WHY??? Now I'm good with what I have
gender?: Female
birthday?: 4-17-79
age?: 27
age you act?: lol depends what mood I'm in and who I'm around
age you want to be?: FOREVER 21!
height?: 5"7
eye color?: hazel
happy with it?: I guess....
natural hair color?: dark brown
happy with it? if not do you dye it?: I have died my hair so many times, but no more!
righty or lefty?: Righty
family?: um yea...
pets?: You know it! YOKI!!!!
peircings?: 4
tatoos?: 3
love and stuff
single?: yes
who are you with, or who do you want to be with?: Always been the girl with a boyfriend, but right now I'm good with being alone
are you in love?:
have you ever been in love, if so how many times?: have I!
do you believe in love at first sight?: No! You have to know ther person to love them, otherwise it's not real love
is it possible to be faithful to one person for ever?: Yup!
do you want to get married?: Yup
do you want to have kids?: One day...Yoki and Jah'mel are enough for now tho
how many?: 3
do you believe in divorce?: yes, if it needs to happen, it needs to happen
do you belive in true love?: Yup
do you consider love a mistake?: no, maybe just the person you have fallen in love with. However, there is nothing better in life then to love and to be loved back.
turn-ons?: a man that can have a real conversation,cares about social issues,has goals, 6"2 and up, looks and smells good, makes me laugh, good fathers, someone who reads
turns-offs?: unmotivated, bad breath, selfish,
do you think the oppisite sex finds you attractive?: some of them must...at leat I hope!
what is best about the opposite sex?: depends on the person
what is worst about the oppisite sex?: " "
are you a virgin?: no..cant say I am
do you belive you should be in love to have sex?: to each his/her own
how far have you gone?: ???? boo to this question
how many people have you had sex with?: noneya
do other people consider you a slut?: not to my knowledge...
right at this moment...
where are you?: my kitchen
what can you see out your window?: cars, a school...
are you listening to music?: no
are you lonely or tired?: a lil tired
use 5 words to decribe how you are feeling:: confused, tired, motivated, encouraged,a mix of things
are you talking to anyone ..? if so who?: no
are you talking to anyone of the phone? if so who?: no
what are you wearing?: sweats and a T-shirt
what are you doing?: this survey
whats on your mousepad?: lap top
how many true friends do you have?: my friends since childhood, and my college girls
are you a loner?: can be a times...but I also really enjoy being around people
who is your best friend?: I dont have best friends, I have sisters
oldest?: Obi,Nani
newest?:Kerry ?
shyest?: Jill
loudest?: Obi and Fuego(Malene)Oh, and I cant forget G.G.!!!
smartest?: All my friends are smart!
ditziest?: None of my girls are ditzy, we're on top of our game!
funniest?: You already know, Oobang!! Hani holds down too! S
who is the best listener?: Hani and Obi
do you prefer to hang out with one friend or a group of friends?: I like both
who do you wish you were closer to?: Johanna, I feel like we never have time to talk...
who knows the most about you?: Hani and Obi
who knows the least about you?: They all know a lot.
who do you trust the most?: I trust them all with different things
the least?: n/a
who do you fight with the most?: Me and fuego bump heads, as do me and Kysha, but it's just cuz we're so the same! No love ever lost!
who do you talk to .. the most?: Aria, T.D
who do you talk to on the phone the most?: Obi and Hani
do you trust others easily?: no! Trust comes with time.
name one who's arms you feel safe in:: My girls and my mothers.
who house were you at last?: my mother's
who's your second family?: my girlfriends and the Mullins family
who lives the farthest away?: Johanna
do you....
smoke?: NO WAY!!!!!
drink alcohol?: from time to time
do drugs?: NOPE
pray?: sometimes
go to church?: no
sleep with stuffed animals?: no
take walks in the rain?: yea, when Yoki begs to go out! HATE IT!
dance in the rain?: uh... no
do any sports? if so which ones?: no.I need to take my ass to the gym!
sleep around?: Sorry, not my thang. STDS people STDS!!
lie a lot?: no, it's not good to lie. Be real!
steal?: no
gamble?: no
have you ever....
kissed a stranger?: can't say I have
slept with a stranger?: NO! No casual sex here
spun until you were so dizzy you couldn't walk?: I used to love to do that when i was lil
screamed so much you lost your voice?: Yes!!
laughed so much it was painful?: Ugh, yes!! Those are the best!
cried so much it was painful?: yup...havnt we all
gone skinny dipping?: confessions! Hani and I did in Miami.Sorry Jahani
played strip poker?: Cant say I have
had a medical emergency?: yea
ran away from home?: when i was 12, for 20 minutes...
done something extremely unexpected?: yea...
slept outside?: hmmm, not over night
been onstage?: yup!
deep stuff....
whats your biggest fear?: losing someone close to me
what was your weirdest dream?: too much to write
scariest dream?: private
do you have a reoccuring dream?: not in a long time
what was your best dream?: private
what IS your dream?: I have many...
do you live in the moment?: I try to, but sometimes i think ahead too much.
what you greatest stregth?: my ability to work with kids
whats your greatest weakness?: people in need
do you have a motto you live by?: it is what it is...try not to worry about all the wrong things
if your life were a movie what would it be called?: The girl with a bad luck curse ????
do you have any bad habits?: always feeling badly for people..Is that a bad habit?
do you have any secrets?: yea, we all do
are you fake?: No, I try to be as real as possible
what do you want to do in life?: I'd like to have a family
are you a daredevil?: no, not really
are you predictable?: to those who know me
do you keep a journal/diary?: no, but I should
if you could change one thing about you would you? what would it be?: being so sensitive
if you were someone else, would you be friends with yourself?: Yea, I think I'm a good friend
do you think your a good person?: yes, i really try to be, but we all have flaws.
do you think your emotionally strong?: yes, but, as I stated above, I'm also sensitive
do you regret anything?: no, life is about living and learning
do you think life has been good so far?: Yes, even with all the bad luck, I have been given a good life
what do you like most about you body?: idk
least?: my nose
are you trust worthy?: yes!
are you gullible?: yes!!
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