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About Me

I like people and I like to know things about them, unless it turns into self serving complaints and then i lose interest very quickly. I consider myself a liberal but i don't like immigration (I am also politically incorrect). I have been known to say that people benefit from knowing me. Don't mistake this for high confidence. I am useable- but only for a short while. I am incapable of attachment, over school, and completely perplexed with life. I like to look outside but can't work up the nerve to go there. I hate my attachments to "technology". Have you ever kissed someone and known this is exactly how I would kiss someone if they had no say in it? And it would be appropriate for the sound of wedding bells, the perfection of a new born baby, consolation and happiness? I have. I like that it is summer now; I can read all the books I have saved up over the year. I am not as neurotic in summer, probably because of the extended book reading time. When I have spent some time reading, I put down the book and feel like I am in it. In my mind my sentences are more complete. I use bigger words. And everything around me seems more divine, more real. The sound of a bird chirping can send me to splendor. I can hear the pulse of the core of the earth, and can't hide my excitement at my own place in it. The world itself becomes simply words, too. Like the moon and the sun and the grass are just that, and it all seems too perfect. I feel like writing myself, which I might be good at except I would have to stop quite often to pick up a book and read, to be in that space where everything is invented and it is all in my head. Where everything is just as I would want it to be.Someday I will live in a house by a body of water and sit on the porch reading a book listening to the rain fall on what I imagine to be a tin roof. I will take walks in the woods and think by the light of a fire and cook and drink wine. I might be incredibly alone but I won't feel it.

My Interests, R.I.P Jason Hanson, Jacob Hanson, Christina Watson- 2006. Reading, politics, drinking, driving and rocking out...i would like to become a member of ZOG (Zionist occupation front) if anyone can tell me where to sign up?-you dont get it, do you? I am also curious about the success of osama bin laden- he wanted america to engage in war, and we have; he wanted us to embarrass ourselves, and we have. Fascinating.

I'd like to meet:

someone with a good story.


uh everything, but some i love are...eric clapton (best concert ever), the beatles, niel young (older stuff), kenny chesney, iron and wine, death cab for a cutie, the fray, van morrison, more beatles, jack johnson rocks, tom petty, ben harper, Blue October, Woodstock soundtrack, jimmy eat world, alanis, jem, crosby stills and nash (another good concert- but dont let mom and dad drink so much wine...ahhhh), steve miller band, everclear, third eye blind, the eagles, coldplay, sublime (yeah me and everyone else), avril,, saves the day, lynyrd skynyrd, foo fighters, sugarland, rascall flatts, postal service, hellogoodbye, kate havnevik, dmb, john mayer, chris daughtry, and his musics all right :), Lily allen, snow patrol, shiny toy guns...i am so bad at thinking of this. Pretty much i love music to death, and will listen to just about everything, except music that is screaming at me. I like music that i can sing and relate to and tells some piece of my story. Not too much rap, either, unless it is older or i am feeling pimpin.


v for vendetta, american history x, empire records (me and rube dogs guilty pleasure), superbad, garden state, american beauty, anything by the Coen Brothers, The rainmaker (always makes me cry), A Time to Kill, Moulin Rouge, Dazed and Confused, Boondock Saints, Eternal Sunshine!, strange independent movies, and others.


the office, daily show, colbert report, greys anatomy, and bill maher (is that right?) when i can catch him.


there are too many... anything by Isabel Allende, Kurt Vonnegut, Barbara Kingsolver...A Millions Little Pieces, Kite Runner, Little Children, 100 Years of Solitude, The Things they Carried, The Secret Life of Bees, Pure, White Oleander, The Bone People, The Jungle, The Electric Koolaid Acid Test, Jane Eyre, my childhood fav. Bridge to Terribithia, and of course the Vagina Monologues, the Tao te ching.


my friends and the people i love who go through trying circumstances on a regular basis and manage to survive, grow and learn from these experiences

My Blog

my first blog :)

I don't really understand blogs, or what i would have to say that any particular person would really care to waste their time reading. But sometimes a girl has got to write, so i suppose i am going to...
Posted by Anna on Tue, 23 May 2006 09:55:00 PST