You know habits of any kind become addictive. You get so used to the habit you almost see yourself never letting go . Even if the habit is unhealthy . Just like drug addiction emotional addiction is hard to break .There is a period of withdrawal . I know I have been there. You can’t even believe how hard it is to let go of negative behaviors . Especially if you never saw them as negative to begin with . Most people would just rather say †this is who I am †. They have the attitude take it or leave it . I choose to leave it . They are that same person that let’s everything around them take effect in there life. You know the type that get all bent out of shape when they get cut off on the highway , or it rains for a few days so they think without sun there is no sunshine.I have let go of plenty of people in my life just for the fact that they are addicted to their behaviors and choose to just except who they are . Others tell me you have to except people for who they are . Do I have to accept a Junkie for who they are too! That is why I love me , I understand that life is a choice. All of life is a choice . Those that can’t see it that way live in a state of negativity .
Beth Hart - Setting Me Free
Evian Roller Babies international version