travel buddies, pen pal buddies, coffee buddies, chatting buddies, deep-thinking buddies, having fun buddies, dance buddies, work-out buddies, running buddies, swimming buddies, hang out in town or at home buddie, dinner party buddies, soul-mate/ kindred spirit buddies (maybe just one)...pretty much any-buddy except a fuck buddy... come on... life's an adventure- i wanna meet life- adventure buddies- don't we all?
I can tell you if i like it, but consider it a minor miracle if I know the title or artist, let alone the album of mainstream music... so the conversation gets boring after a while- I probably don't recognise the title, but might still like the song... but then, i can guarantee that i know titles, artists, and albums that most people have never heard of- it's all in the genre... but there's very little I don't like listening to... and I'm pretty quick at picking songs up, so I'll be singing along before you know it! And then you won't be able to shut me up!
I'd rather be in one than watch it... not totally true- I do like movies and i can get into pretty much anything- within reason... but when i'm watching a movie, I'm there... and it really is a full-body experience- just ask my friends (i have lost some friends because of movie moments- too weak, i guess)... open-minded anyway...
I like it as background noise when I'm doing other stuff, but once i get into it, i watch too much and it gets repetitive and boring- just watched TV for the first time in months today- WOW, what a let-down... onto the music now... but if i'm in my TV rut, i am a sucker for crime/ detective shows - CSI, Law & Order, and other drama- House, or comedy- love old British sit-coms... can't stand soaps, but have been known to be captivated by the odd documentary (smart TV)... and my theory is that news shows just perpetuate paranoia and keep people afraid... only rarely is good journalism seen on TV.
Just read some doozies- which i totally recommend if you like thinking on theology... Lots by Brian D. McLaren, A New Kind of Christian, Everything Must Change... Rob Bell,... i reckon, these books could ruin traditional Christianity (including my own) - something much more dynamic and palatable to the general public- only if we're really lucky! Mostly, i either read theology/ philosophy (C.S. Lewis is a keeper!) but with fiction, i like books that do something cool and new, but tell a really great story. A few come to mind : The Lovely Bones- story told by a dead girl; The Time Traveller's Wife, The Poisonwood Bible. I also like Historical Fiction (but could Jane Austen please stay at home?) - Bird's without Wings (set in Turkiye pre: WW's), Small Island (Jamaican/ Brit race relations)... and that's just the last 8 months. LOTR