So I have officially decided that no matter how little milk you pour in your cereal bowl, you are always left with extra milk. Not that I really mind. Its actually, sadly, kind of, my favorite part... you know its yours too.. when you get to drink the flavored milk after. But still.. I always think that I measured it just right, and still im left sipping milk out the bowl like its a cup.... On the contrary im not much of a cereal eater... love the stuff but I hopped on the NO CARB wagon a while ago... No fun, but I'm pretty much doin the whole industry thing.. which I guess requires going on an extreme diet. Eh--- Its kind of backwords really... industry people doin such extreme things to appear as though they are the most elite. When really in reality they are the less lived. I mean look at whats her face... the skinny girl-- Nichole Richie... Shes on the cover of every magazine cover, and shes practically killin herself to get there... and in some odd way--- many women would love to be her...Industry People- A highly stressed bunch of people if you ask me. --- Half the women are starved... trien to get famous men-- or a deal-- or a role... and the men are busy trien to put on a front like they someone important-- Or they have money.. and why-- why do men try sooo hard ???... so they can get these women ..these women that are gold diggin eh. Its all a big mess. And I somehow have managed to find my own little place in it... Ideally I would like to be the one that represents that which is good..that which is respectable... I mean I dont drink, dont smoke.. not much of a clubber, go to church EVERY SUNDAY... and I try to keep it movin.... In some small way I would like to believe that I make a difference... dont have much right now ... but I have everything I need.... I mean at least I have cereal and milk.... right?
Heather G
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