my name is amy and i live in Seattle, in love with the bands Aiden,HIM,Nirvana and a few others. im pretty much stereo-typed as "emo,goth,or punk" i really dont care how people classify me. i really want to be a proffessional band photographer but i dont have the kind of camera to start practicing..other than that i want to be an artist..i love to always listening to music and i cant go anywhere without my i-pod..a lot of people i know say i listen to music waaaay to much.i also like to skateboard even tho im not that great...but im learning...most of the time im really nice..except for when im mad..then i can turn into a major bitch..but it takes alot to make me bi polar so if you talk to me and all of a sudden for no reason i get angry or emotional at you just remember that i cant really control it...sorry..i like meeting new people.. talk to me?
Fer Sure: Jeffrey Star and Medic Droidme dustin and kaylas videoLAYOUTI made this myspace background at