ClareJEB;; >.< profile picture

ClareJEB;; &gt;.&lt;


About Me

Myspace BackgroundsI'm Ready To Leave This Town Now...
I'm just another silly teenage girl
Who lives by quotes & can't ever
Say the right thing at the right time.
Just another teenage girl,
Looking for herself in a big world
Yes, If you ever see me around, 99.9% of the time i will have a smile on my face, because most of the time i am happy, i am a nice person, not really nasty tbf,im also shy, but i can be oozing with confidence, its how i am, tbf when it actually comes to it, ive been told im one of the easiest people to talk to. So yeah, whatever you do, dont judge me before actually talking to me it annoys the hell out of me, so talk up :)
Call me JEB; (Y)
Im a down to earth Bloxwich lass :)
Im straight
Safe as..
I Like listening to local bands, and going to their gigs, so add me (:
Judge me.
I dare you.
I'll bet you £100 your wrong.
Lets Get Out Of This Town;;
By the time im 25,
I will be in a different country
Doing something i love
I live for the Weekends|Family|Friends|Holidays
Music is one of the things in my life i understand
I belive 'Everything happens for a reason'
The littlest things make me smile (:
I go to Walsall Academy
Friends make it worth while
I am amazed by stars and pretty lights
I Hold Grudges, Don't easily forgive and never forget. sozz its the way it is :)
Im not like anyone else
You wont get another me! (:
Every time she laughs,
she hopes he is watching
not so he will see she is happy,
but so that maybe, just maybe
he will fall for her smile
like she fell for his

im 16, I prefer not to grow up thanks :)
The Future scares me too much
I hate thinking of moving on, and missing the people i love most
I love long and deep convosations
I think you've gathered that im not perfect
No i dont have a tiny waist and long legs
and thats the way i like it, life isnt about what people think
Its about how you feel
I live for the little moments
Taking too many pictures
Laughing Too Much
Love like you've never been hurt
Trying to live life too the Full.
I dont want to look back on my life thinking, i wish i did this differently
remember to smile & never frown.
live life crazy with no regrets -
never look back; but never forget
so you turn up the music & try to block out the screams

so yeah...
Get to know me.
You'll be surprised .
I Wish You Couldn't Figure Me Out;
But You Always Wanted To Know What I Was About;;
love is like standing on wet cement the longer you stay the harder it is to leave && you can never let go with out leaving footprints behind

So. I Dare you to enter my world (:
he said ::
you know what your problem is . . ?
and i replied :: yes, i do. i fell in love with the idea that no matter what happened you would always be there.
when haven't i " he asked -
and as a tear trickled down her cheek
i said ..'ever since the day SHE walked threw the door*

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

i wish i knew exactly what to do i wish i knew exactly what to say. so i could be the only girl to take your breath away. i'm not the type of girl to leave you.. i would never mislead you. Because;; unlike any other girl I need you,Just once I want to be hard to leave. I wanna be the one he's up late At night thinking about. I wanna be the one he's telling his boys, "I think I love her.". I want someone who won't care that I'm incapable of sitting still, that I can't grasp the concept of cleaning, and I refuse to be ladylike. Someone who realizes that half of the decisions I make are usually ones I regret, and I have the right to overreact at any given moment. I want someone who knows how completely insane I am, and he wouldn't want me any other way Hide My Details Box Hide My Section Headers

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My profile song usually means something to me :)


Anything by Jody Picoult (:


To Be Fair
I think i'm THE luckiest Girl in the world, to have friends like mine
Friendship means a lot, and i know its for keeps (:
Only party with the best ;).
My Heros. My Friends. (:
Georgina Fensome && Nicola Kelly - They have been there through thick and thin, I've just only gotten so close to these girls and im glad i have, they have been there when no one else has, they've made me laugh at the littlest things and when im down all they need to do is be there and they make me smile. what im trying to say is that these girls are 2 of my closest friends and i really dont know what id do without them, i could go on forever about them but there isnt enough room. These are the description of true friends. these girls are 2 in a million and i love them to bits. I never want to loose them, and thats a promice :)
Joshua Lee - THE closest male out of my friends. i can tell this boy anything and i know it goes no where. he is like my big brother. i have no idea where id be without him, our bitching sessions are out of this world and our laughs well, they're better than yours. long life i love this lad. never want to loose you I LOVE YOU JOSHUA LEE.
Claire Martin - the oldest best friend i have. we've known eachother for nearly over 13 years, we talk about everything, we have a claire connection where i know what shes thinking and she knows what i am. i truely love this girl, and with 13 years of friendship, i deffinetly dont want to loose her.
Sarah Rounds - This girl is a legend, we have so many laughs in drama, i tell this girl anything, and it goes no where, i dont know where i would be without her tbh, she has helped me through alot. I LOVE YOU SARAH, and i never ever ever want to loose you. and i tell you, that is a promise. :)
Kirsty Greatrex - I love this girl, she maybe small but shes a hell of a character, you can never be sad round this girl, proper makes me laugh, tbf, im going to miss our drama time, when this girl leaves i will miss her, a hell of a lot, i love you kirsty xD
Laura Bevan - Skettle :) We've drifted appart, but she needs to know, that i will always be here for her and she means such a lot to me, she'll always be my skettle xD Love you
^ ^ ^ ^^ ^^ ^
These are the closest
and i love them all :)
TBF People change, and things go on but friends are there. Forever. Right? Lets hope so... Lets hope they dont stab you in the back, or lie to you to make you happier, true friends tell you the truth when no one does...
UNDER CONSTRUCTION Deciding who deserves to be on here atm!
No, specific order tho (:
These should ALL know how much you mean to me. I NEVER want to loose you guys (:
True friends are those that are aware of how stupid you are, have experienced it first hand, and still choose to be seen with you in public. Be immature, do anything and everything, even if it's something you'll regret the next day. sleep late and when you wake up; you can laugh about it with your friends. because friends are what matter most when you have your friends, you have everything