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About Me

A documentary filmmaker, editor and new media producer.Current gig: After producing and editing a series of 60 educational videos I am now Filming and Editing various short documentaries for the making of Greek and traditional Cypriot jewelry. Also researching material for the new documentary 'In search of a vision'.Education:Master of Arts. Media and Cultural Studies. Middlesex University, London, UK.Bachelor of Arts. Television and Media Management. Columbia College Chicago, USA.LOVEMYFLASH CODE

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Networking wise, people who are into Film/Video Making, Editing, Cinematography, Web Development and New Media. If you are Greek or from Cyprus and you are passionate about creating a better media environment, get in touch as I have something planned with a small but dedicated and talented group of people. If you just happened to stumble upon my profile now that its public and you would like to sent me an email, I do my best to answer all of them quickly. Finally if I was to choose someone inspiring which I would love to meet in order to pick his brain, that would be Manuel Castels.View All Friends | View Blog | View Pics | Add Comment

This is the latest video that I have directed and edited. It is also the first music video clip that I have put together.
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This piece features scenes from the ancient city of Kourion in Cyprus as well as the Templar's Kolossi castle. Through these we begin to understand the connection between the heritage of Cyprus and the designs of Greek jewelry. Examples are the Greek Key patterns on the mosaics of Kourion and contemporary Greek Jewelry designs as well as hammered decorations found on silver cups that are inspired by the nature of Cyprus. This piece is part of a series of short documentaries on Greek and Cypriot jewelry.
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In this video we see the making of fully handmade filigree jewelry. Filigree is a method which includes the twisting of very fine wires of gold or silver. An important aspect of the artistic heritage of Cyprus in this jewelry making and one which reveals middle eastern influences. These influences are connected with the history of the island and the many conquerors who passed by through the centuries.The adaptation of this form of art is most evident in the traditional Cyprus cross. However in the contemporary environment it is interesting to also highlight the way that this traditional method of jewelry making is being used to produce modern artifacts such as the gold chandelier earrings which are showcased at the end of the video.
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Music Documentary: Fishbone Records.

A look into the music and recording industry of Cyprus. The issues faced by artists and how one person is determined to make a difference.

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The Cyprus exhibits at the 'Metropolitan Museum' in New York, the 'British Museum' in London and the other museums across the world, are only but a few places where one can begin to understand the incredible history that this small island of the Mediterranean has to showcase. Also it is perhaps a way in which one may begin to understand why it has been an island which all the major powers in history wanted to have under their command. This short documentary, featuring the 'Pierides Museum' in Larnaca, showcases from the very heart of Cyprus, a sample of the heritage and civilization of Cyprus from a different viewpoint.
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London's New Equilibrium:
Exploring multiculturalism through the eyes of children.
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I have produced this documentary in order to showcase the tradition of Byzantine Art as well as its importance and role in the Greek and Christian Orthodox community. The full 15-minute version features an exceptional interview with Cecily Hilsdale, an art historian specialized in Byzantine metalwork. This was aired on Columbia's Frequency TV and on two local television stations in the USA.
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