Train..the Tuna Peach profile picture

Train..the Tuna Peach

What are you ment to write here?

About Me

I love YOU LOT long time:

My Interests

Find the cool one...


charlotte westdijk. aka, fit girl.
But as chrissy said there are more: she is one, myles is one, all of you that i have shared a fun time with laughed with and generally been able to talk to, your all one aswell...I thank you all, you are my heros!
I thought i would also take this chance to say how grateful i am for the peole around me...In like the last year i have met the best goup of people and in the last 5 years or so I have been whit the most amazing people. I have found the sweetest person who i can actually say I love very very much, myles i dont think you know just how much you mean to me. I the bestest friends, I know everyone says it but i mean it, i dont wanna looose any of you..well i cant say much more appart form thank you and dont loose me please.

"I'm no emo. No rocker. No greb. I am a Pirate. Please don't take the piss. Because I am."