uuuummmmmmmm Well i'm also "Balam, Lord of nightmares! and me and toby going to take over the world and i'm going to breed a race of ...... MONKEY NINJAS!!!! and random little hob goblins to follow me around and kick peoples shins and make me tea :) and me and toby are going to have little super cars which go from his evil lair (in spain) and mine on Dartmoor ( which will then after getting a fwe million pounds will be upgraded from an old mine to and tree house in the amazon ) can't tell you where though because then you'll tell the police! and if you do tell them Toby will burn your family ( i know a bit harsh but he's Toby it's what he does ) and well i'll just have to send you evil nightmares! and ofc then over my monkey ninja's to teach you a lesson! so there! stick that in your pipe and shmoke it beatch. Have a nice day :)
You scored as Oogie Boogie, You are Oogie Boogie. You like to have control over everything and everyone, you love bugs (because you are filled with them) and you love to eat them, you love evil weapons, for you are evil yourself, and you have a strange obsession with rolling dice...i dont know what your problem is
Oogie Boogie
Jack Skelington
Evil Scientist
The Mayor
Lock, Shock, and Barrel
Which Nightmare Before Christmas character are u?
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