ITS SUMMER YYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYFishing, massive hardcore fishing fan. A fully charged ipod and a calm ocean to cast off on = heaven on earth. Semi Pro photographer as well. Have had some photos published and I wish I felt compelled to carry it further as a profession, its just amassing that body of work to show off, creativity comes in spurts. But Im getting there. I dabble in mixing, wall of sounds to confuse and bamboozle. Travel a heck of alot, my families like a mini UN so if anything its necessity. 4 weeks every year its an odyssey from Zanzibar down to George on the Garden route. Africa is and always will be home, the west doesnt interest me...too sterile...too shallow...too blinkered.
What with this being myspace...anyone who has digits to type with. But no crazy gibber gabber types neither. The sort who harvest organs for black markets and leave their vics in baths of ice for CSI crews to tamper around with and molest.Rachel Brice so I can blush and get all slack jawed like a retarded 15 year old lovestruck idiot again.
Ballistic for breakbeats. Adam Freeland, Evil9, hell anything off the Marine Parade label. James Lavelle and anything with the unkle sounds tag. Diplo, DJ Shadow, DJ Format, Meat Katie, Luke Vibert, elite force. And German Electronica, gone are the days of pocket calculators and autobahns, some seriously good tunes coming outta das place. Also France, electronica maestro's galore, sain et sauf. But I'll listen to anything...once.SOMETIMES ITS JUST REALLY NOT ABOUT THE BEAT. WITNESS...Like stoner rock, punk (oldschool American Hardcore), Butthole Surfers, Tom Waits, Honky, Seasick Steve, Johnny Cash, Primus, Comets on Fire, Les Claypool sideprojects, P.I.L., Mr Bungle, Ten Benson. Always rotate class reggae acts like Lee Scratch Perry and Burning Spear. If it does this, its gggoooooooddddddddd
Directors to shorten this - Coen Brothers, David Lynch, Werner Herzog, Alex Cox, Micheal Mann. Plus a plethora of one off'ers too numerous to mention, death to smoochy being one. Southern Comfort ranks up there as the best classic. Amazon This...You have and never will see the like again.One of the most powerful scenes from any movie
Opiate of the Masses, mostly a waste of time but some things jackhammer through. The Daily Show, all else pales in comparison. Liked the Chappelle Show, come on with the 3rd season already. Futurama, Family Guy, Snuffbox, Nathan Barley, Big Train, Spaced, Curb your enthusiasm. Ronnie Johns from Oz. Larry David stoned cuts too close to the bone LOLAGE.
Anything and everything by Bukowski and Thompson. Ellroy is another class auther. Knut Hamsun, Louis-Ferdinand Celine, John Fante, Cormac McCarthy (Read Blood Meridian - well worth it), Eric Miles Williamson, Thom Jones, Steinbeck - especially Cannery Row, Alan Paton, J M Coetzee, Hubert Selby Jr, T C Boyle. For an African abroad, Chinua Achebe's Things fall apart will always be close to the heart. If literatures like chewing glass its shortlisted. Umberto Eco to get lost in. Lansdales Leanord Pine and Hap Collins books severely rock. For balance, paradise lost, the sistine chapel of ink on paper. However Celine lived what he wrote, lots of respect to that.
No-one livings a hero, only the dead reserve that right. Plus 1 persons hero is anothers pariah. Malcolm X or Steve Biko on principal. Tis better to be an outlaw of some or other form.Fuck Dylan, Fuck Cash...Waits rocks, always has...alwyas will.