Nuclear Ass Tycoon profile picture

Nuclear Ass Tycoon

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About Me

Lernt mich halt kennen, dann werdet ihr eventuell etwas über mich erfahren.

My Interests

Music, writing, Movies, Books, Art, Thinking, listening, watching, laughing, whining, everything.

what genre of music are you?

Death metal you are death metal. and something tells me that you know it. although you might be a little dark, and maybe even depressed, you like to head bang to some songs. you favour the dark satanistic aproach to music. maybe becuase the songs say what you have been thinking for years. or maybe because they songs are telling you a different aproach to life. you may be goth, or a loner. but thats ohkay. it wouldnt hurt you to chear up a little though.

Music Quizzes

I'd like to meet:


Which Action Hero Are You?

You are Sylvester Stallone. You eat lightning and you crap thunder. You may be the underdog in many cases, but nothing stops you. Not even old age! Passion and heart are what counts in this world.
Find Your Character @


Punk, Metal, Alternative, Industrial. Motörhead, Ministry, Iron Maiden and a lot of Bands more....


Sci-Fi, Horror, Fantasy....#


Dittsche, Simpsons, Invader Zim....


Lord of the Rings


Sophie Scholl, Edelweisspiraten, alle Antifaschisten, Wolfgang Wendland, Darth Vader....

My Blog

Gerade im Kino gewesen...

Und habe mir den neuesten James Bond angesehen. Meiner Treu, ein guter Film. Brutal, schöne Bilder, coole Action, nix comichaftes mehr und ein Bond der knallhart und teils ein Ekelpaket ist, wie nie z...
Posted by Nuclear Ass Tycoon on Tue, 19 Dec 2006 02:28:00 PST

Hallo !!!

Ja, das war mal ein geiles Wochenende. Unsere Fortunazweite hat gegen Rhede gewonnen, Japanische Kampfhörspiele haben gerockt, satanische Bügeleisen können sehr nett sein und zuviel Glühwein macht sch...
Posted by Nuclear Ass Tycoon on Mon, 18 Dec 2006 03:21:00 PST