" 2GethER
101 Years Old
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Hurm ..I Just Simple Person ^_^& u aLL JuSt cAlleD mE EiLA ...Org Kata, Aku nIe baik Tapi Aku Lak Kata Aku Sememangnye Baik^0^..Org Lain Kata, Aku Nie Periang Aku Lak Kata Aku Sememangnya Periang..Org Kata Aku Nie Cute Tapi Aku Lak Kata... Aku Bukan Saje Cute, Malah Aku Nie sWeet BaNgAt mUaHAHahaha... ;p erm Ok La AkU bUkAn NaK cIte aPe Yg oRg lAin cAkAp..AcTUaLLy AkU nI aGaK PendIAm daN PEmaLu OrgNyE..aHaks.. ;P tP,X BeRErti aKu Ni SombOnk..aKu gAk seoRaNg peMeNdAM tP jGn sAlaH pAhAm aKu BkN La SEorAng penDEndaM erk .. ;P HehE...ErM sApE yG dAh LAmA keNaL aKU,diA tAu la *peeL* AkU nI McM MaNa.. ^_^ oKes ..SekarAng Aku MeNaNTi kAn kaWaN2 BarU,LaMa..Tak KiRA aR..yG PeNTinG freNZ. & TaK LupA jUGa paDa kWn2 AkU yG telAh Add AkU..ThAnks !! LuV u aLL ^_^ ....So,If u waNt fRiENd wiF mE jUsT aDD mE k.. CaU ..!~ CiN..!~ CaU..!~ JoM PeKEna CiNCaU..aHakS... ;p TaKe CaRe All mY fREnz....WaSsALaM.. :)
Anyone In this World.. maybe It's U
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Rindu Dan Benci
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
[ Attention! Please read this first ]
• I would appreciate if you let me know that you like my design/layout. Don't just steal it from me. It's RUDE and MEAN to steal someone else's profile and claim them as your own. It happened to me once and I hope it won't happen again.
• I’ve been getting a lot of emails everyday from people who wants me to customize their page, just so let you know that I DON'T take request anymore and I will NOT make you a costume layout if I DON'T know you at all. Sorry! However, if you're my relatives or my friend (like I know you for years and we are that close) then I will help you.
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