Girls, The Beach, Working out, Running, Ballin, Lebron James, The Cleveland Cavaliers, The Beach, Traveling to nice places, Chillin, Partyin, Just havin fun!
Lebron James, Jim Morrison, Michael Jordan. Although I really do not believe in actively searching for soulmates, I am secretly looking for a wonderful sweet caring and cute girl to spend my days with, fall in mutual love with, and be best friends with. But shhh. . i did not say that because if I am "looking" she will never come! :) Write that down.
I like alot of shit. Classic rock to rap to pop. Justin Timberlake, The Doors, The Beatles, and Kanye West.. ya get the hint? :)
Liar Liar, Big Daddy, Click, Happy Gilmore. .. really anything Adam Sandler or Jim Carrey
Dude I love chillin out at night, eating ice cream, and watching old sitcoms. Fresh Prince, Home Improvement, Southpark, Family Guy, The Simpsons
The Things They Carried, The Giver, Porno Magazines lol j/k. . but does that count?
Lebron James, Michael Jordan, Jim Morrison and my Parents