Praise The Lord your God, with all your soul, all your might, and all your strength. I am free in Christ to live and be a light unto others in all that I do. I am passionate about many things. I juggle blood and fire on a constant basis, and I dont know if that will change. You can have all the things in the world, but if you dont have love, you have nothing.I am attached to few things on earth, but one of the things I love the most is my Motorcycle. It is my escape, my ticket to anywheres. It keeps me occupied, and down to earth. I spend most my time either on it or working on it. It is my Iron Lion, and my pride and joy.
Moses, Solomon, David, Daniel, Elijah, Paul, Ezekial, The Apostles.. the list goes on!
Through the gifts that God has given me, I currently play the Drums, Guitar, Bass, Piano, Didgeridoo, Bagpipes, and Shofar.
Into the Wild, Braveheart, and Boondock Saints are my favorite movies. With the Worlds Fastest Indian comming in close behind, and I love The Passion.
Whos line is it Anyways?, and Myth Busters!! I love watching National Geographic, and the Discovery Channel.
The Bible, "The Gospel in the Stars", "I Kissed Dating Goodbye" by Joshua Harris, "Boy Meets Girl, Say Hello to Courship" also by Joshua Harris. "Harmony of Four Gospels" by Orville Daniel.
Fernando, You are my Brother. When God called me, you were there to show me. May God bless you all the days of your life.My father, I cant thank you enough for everything youve taught me. I hope that ive made you proud, and will always do so.. Thanks for helping me become person that I am..