WELL NOT ANOTHER MAN TRYING TO FILL MY MANS SHOES!!! IT AINT HAPPENING! I would love to meet some real people. People who speak their minds and who have no shame in doing so. People who really would like to have a good time whether it be on the phone or in person. I dislike fake and phony people. BACK STABBERS, LIARS and just straight up DISRESPECTFUL people. People who pass judgment and have no idea what is really going on. Oh and by the way if I don't accept you as my friend please don't send me hate mail...I mean honestly am I someone you really want to know on a friendship level or is it something you just feel like you really gotta have. Most of the people I have on here believe it or not I actually know and the great thing is I have my little brother is on here. So I'm not on here for a booty call I'm on here to really make friends and network. So for those of you that I never talk to and I accept and I really want to know and they don't respond back I'm just gonna delete...I mean you probably won't even notice I'm gone. Not tryin' to be a bitch...no wait maybe I am? Oh well who cares all I know is DON'T START NONE WON'T BE NONE! But I really can't take going page after page to find somebody. Thanks. NO DRAMA PLEASE!! SIKE a little is ok!!! How else would we be able to live in this lovely world. Take care and always keep your head up! ALWAYS FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS!! Don't take no for an answer! POSITIVITY IS KEY IN LIFE IF YOU DON'T HAVE IT WHAT HAVE YOU GOT? Take care!! PEACE OUT!!!