HEADZ UP!!! It's ya boy PROFIT, the official spokesman...oops (coughing)...I mean SMOKESMAN of THE DECRIMINALIZE: CHRONIC CANDY TOUR (DCC)! If you didn't know, CHRONIC CANDY & GREEN VIEW DIGITAL ENT. are on a world-wide mission to DECRIMINALIZE marijuana! THE DECRIMINALIZE: CHRONIC CANDY TOUR is coming to a town near you to hear your up-close and personal thoughts on the topic of Decriminalization. The DCC Tour promises to be an entertaining forum for true headz to advocate positive political participation. Join us in the world-wide celebration to preserve our inalienable right to pursue Life, Liberty, and Chronic Happiness!!! Hit me up for additional info.
Don't forget to ask about the G-13 mixtape!!!
GET ON!!! Take Yo Ass Home Then † THA HOUSE † IN YA MOUTH † Latin Princess † MANAGEMENT