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About Me

Hey Hey Ya'll!! I'm a lil' cutey wit a whole lotta booty and gotta a personality that'll knock you out!! I'm very simple, you wanna get on my good side just be real with me. I love to cook, dance, and chillin wit my crew.....I'm a VIRGIN!! So don't get any ideaz!;)I ABSOLUTELY LOVE FOOTBALL!!! I love the EAGLES, and rep the Patriotz, Steelerz, and Coltz. I am a very friendly person and love going out. I'm EXTREMELY independent and love hard work.I love my Family/Friendz and if you wanna know more hit me up!!CLICK ON THE PIC TO BLOW UP YOUR INBOX!
Ginuwine--So Anxious

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My Interests

Playin' football!! And just chillin'......
The Best Myspace Survey
* . . About You . . *
Eye Color:: Hazel
Hair Color:: Dark brown w/ Light Brown Streakz
Height:: 5'5"
Favorite Color:: Blue
Screen Name:: Whatever it iz now
Favorite Band:: Linkin Park
Favorite Movie:: Beauty and the Beast
Favorite Show:: Veronica Marz
Your Car:: Truck, No Car
Your Hometown:: PHILLY!!!!
Your Present Town:: C-Town
Your Crushes First Name:: DeVaughn
Your Grade:: 10
Your Style:: Laid-Back Sexii!!
* . . Have You Ever . . *
Sat on your rooftop?: NO
Kissed someone in the rain?: YEAH
Danced in a public place?: YEAH
Smiled for no reason?: ALWAYZ
Laughed so hard you cried?: ALWAYZ
Peed your pants after age 8?: I THNK SO.............LMAO
Written a song?: NO
Sang to someone for no reason?: YES
Performed on a stage?: YEAH
Talked to someone you don't know?: YEAH
Gone out of your way to befriend someone?: YEAH
Made out in a theatre?: NO
Gone roller skating since 8th grade?: YEAH
Been in love?: I THOUGHT SO
* . . Who was the last person to . . *
Say HI to you?: CORELLE
Tell you, I love you?: EBONY
Kiss you?: TIM
Hug you?: ANYE
Tell you BYE?: XAVIER
Write you a note?: NEENA
Take your photo?: ME
Call your cell phone?: MY DADDY
Buy you something?: MOM
Go with you to the movies?: KENNISA
Sing to you?: EBONY
Write a poem about you?: MY DADDY
Text message you?: VIRGIN MOBILE
Touch you?: BEAUTY
* . . What's the last . . *
Time you laughed?: 5 MIN AGO
Time you cried?: YESTERDAY
Movie you watched?: POLTERGEIST II
Joke you told?: KNOCK KNOCK
Song you've sang?: SIGN ME UP by NE-YO
Time you've looked at the clock?: 4 MIN AGO
Drink you've had?: GRAPE SODA
Number you've dialed?: CORELLE'Z
Book you've read?: GENEVIEVE
Food you've eaten?: OODLEZ AND NOODLEZ
Flavor of gum chewed?: JUICY FRUIT
Shoes you've worn?: PHAT FARMZ
Store you've been in?: A-PLUS
Thing you've said?: MMMMHHHM..........
* . . Can You . . *
Write with both hands?: NO
Whistle?: YES
Blow a bubble?: YES
Roll your tounge in a circle?: YES(NO FREAKY)
Cross your eyes?: YES
Touch your tounge to your nose?: KINDA......NO
Dance?: YES
Gleek?: WHAT???
Stay up a whole night without sleep?: YES
Speak a different language?: SORTA....NO
Impersonate someone?: YES
Prank call people?: SURE.....YES
Make a card pyramid?: YES
Cook anything?: YES
* . . Finish The Line . . *
If i were a ...: LION
So many people don't know that ...: I'M VERY INTELLEGENT
My heart is ...: GOOD
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navigation whatever some blogs. you can put whatever you want here! About me {Your name here}

Write something about yourself in this big box

Create your own DIV right div Well, maybe some pictures with comment box huh?


Any horror/comedy movies out there....!!!

layout for myspace

layout for myspace


It'z whateverz on!!!






God, my momma and daddy, and my great grandmother!!....... I edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts!