zUra profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

Your true color is Black!
What's Your True Color?
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ngeh.. x menareks nye mende ney.. cam papew jeks.. okie okie.. hemm.. zuwa yek?? name *nuR azuRa*.. tgl n9.. study ukm.. -- what?? nk abeh da?? huyyeh..!!~~ tgh cr keje.. eik.. adew kew org nk zura keje kt tempat diek?? ehee.. ske sms.. -- sorg jeks.. yg lain.. kurang dilayan.. eheks.. ske gile jln2 smbil shopping.. lalu ayahku pom bkate.. *angah.. sile la menyimpan.. anda blom kije tp dwet x reti simpan..* lalu mama ku pom menyambong *ha.. seksok keje tp mntk dwet agik ngan parents.. [ngan ertikate lain.. wpom angah da kije.. mama ngan ayah ttp akan bg dwet.. ahaks!!~]* uhuii.. ske senyum.. ske gelak.. ske makan.. -- yekew?? duhh.. ske emm.. ske kamu.. ihikz.. =P~ ske sgt denga radio.. sekang ntah pehal x ske denga hitz.. tetibe cam jiwang jap.. denga era la.. hot.fm la.. adoii.. sekang plak ala2 keperempuanan gtu.. ouch!!~~ x kose.. ehee.. zura bengong.. sdkt gile + sengekz yg melampau.. erks.. da lew.. nnti klu rajen.. wat lain.. burbbye.. =)

My Interests

kerek :: poyo :: nakal

I'd like to meet:



punk rock.. any LP songs.. busted's.. simple plan's.. hoobastank's.. sum41's.. huhuu.. i'm quite universal.. sume kindda music zura bley layan =)


lagik skalik.. SpIdeRman.. hehe.. LOTR.. peter pan.. gothika.. sme ah..


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heroes?? spiderownman.. -- really loves spiderman with OWN in the middle..!!~~ ngee.. =P~ supownman.. ultrownman.. hik.. any super heroes yang kt namew diek bley diletakkan OWN.. hehe..