hunting, fishing, playing guitar, camping, movies, texas country music, good food, beer, whiskey, women, x box, astrophysics, and traveling through space and time with my superhero friends!
Julia Roberts, Willie Nelson, Jesus, Robert Earl Keen, President Bush, the A-Team, an honest woman(wonder if one actually exists?), the person who came up with the idea for reality TV so I could punch him in the mouth, the the highest paid garbage man in the country, and King Louie from the Jungle Book (not exactly in that order)
You Are Tequilla
When you drink, you're serious about getting drunk!
You'll take any shot that's offered up to you...
Even if it tastes like sock sweat!
And you're never afraid of eating the worm.
What alcoholic drink are you?
texas country, bluegrass, classic rock, jazz, blues, and various other nuggets of musical joy
pretty much anything that makes me think, laugh, has a lot of good movie quotes in it, or is just a flat out good movie. for example: Tombstone, Pulp Fiction, Lonesome Dove, Slingblade, Shawshank Redemption, Office Space, historical war movies, spaghetti westerns, John Wayne movies, you get the point
don't really watch much, but I like Lost, Invasion, The Sopranos, CSI, The Outdoor Channel, and hate reality TV of anykind (I get enough "reality" everyday)
mysteries, history, historical fiction, military, and anything Hemingway
Nelson, Cash, Jennings, Kristopherson, Rich Mullins, my Dad, and Jesus (not in that order)-- START YOUTHINK.COM QUIZ RESULTS --
Cop, Fireman, or Paramedic?
You are a laid back person, until the heat gets turned up, then you get to work! Until that time, you just like to hang out. You are most likely a team play. When it comes to your tastes, you focus on what is the most practical.
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