So... about me. I'm 17 going on three. I act immature most of the time; and I love it. I go tothe lamest high school ever. I love my life, and everyone in it. I'm happy all of the time. I'ma hyper person. I'm a shy-at-first kind of gal. I'm also a very independent person, I like tolearn things on my own and I don't like people telling me what to do. One of my biggest petpeeves is when people don't use their blinkers. Another is dry feet; they disgust me. I hateit when things don't have closure. Balloons are so much sweeter than flowers. I havepretty awesome morals; 'Ashley' and 'slut' don't belong in the same sentence unless 'not'accompanies them. I've been told that I have an awesome sense of humor. I live forone-liners. I'm very sarcastic, but I know where to draw the line. People who arestupid and can't take hints annoy me. Oh and people always tell me that I hate a lot ofthings, but what they don't realize is that I don't go around pointing out the things thatdon't annoy me... because that would sound pretty dumb. That's all folks.
My Interests
Wildin' out on a level that Nick Cannon couldn't comprehend