Ron Rodriguez & The Repeat Offenders profile picture

Ron Rodriguez & The Repeat Offenders


About Me

Please helps us in our quest to create quality music and entertainment by making a donation to our "Save the World, One Song at A Time" Fund. The fund will be a resource to get our message and our music out. All it takes is a $1 donation or more to join the crusade. Instantly, you will become a "Repeat Offender" !! Click on the appropriate button and your donation will be dropped into a Paypal account on your behalf. Don't forget every little bit helps and no donations will be rejected so thanks for your consideration!

Saint Steve "The Show" Hall, drums & percussion

Joyce Velasco, Director of Promotions & Marketing
for the Repeat Offenders

Dan "The Mad Scientist" Rocha, bassist & songwriter

"Crazy" Kevin Eldridge - drums

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My Interests


Member Since: 12/5/2004
Band Website:
Band Members:

"A Thousand Miles" (original) - 4/13/08 @ Endo Exo, Jacksonville.

"Color" (original) - 3/29/08 @ The Times Union Center.

Ron Rodriguez & The Repeat Offenders

Pop artists and soon to be pop superstars Ron Rodriguez & The Repeat Offenders offer up original songwriting unleashed with a distinct performance style. When you hear a Repeat Offenders song, you know you're hearing a Repeat Offenders song. And the one thing this band will do repeatedly is knock you out with its wow-inducing song craft. Rodriguez is a veteran of the local Jacksonville club scene, having played in both cover and original bands since January 2002. He ventured out as a solo acoustic performer in 2003. Over the years, Rodriguez felt a need to find a platform for his music and began writing pop songs with a rock sensibility, all the while creating a vision for his band and sound. In mid-2006, percussionist & drummer Steve Hall began performing with Rodriguez capturing the attention of many as an acoustic duo.


Music may not hold the keys to leading your life, but it sure does offer an escape in the midst of whatever trials and tribulations you're undergoing. And it frees you from the shackles of your own mind. So says Rodriguez, who explains that music leaves him feeling free and liberated. The Repeat Offenders try to offer that kind of musical liberation with their songs. Steve Hall of the Offenders describes his personal style as “light funk with Latin and straight-ahead jazz influences.” These rhythmic flavors all fuse to make music that makes you feel like you're on an all expenses-paid, soul vacation.

The Gift Itself

For Rodriguez, there is no greater musical inspiration available than the ability to play music. “Knowing that I've been blessed with a gift is its own inspiration. As Spider-Man said, 'With great power comes great responsibility.' The act of making music is its own inspiration. I don't need a reason to make music. It's just what I do.” And Hall points out the inspiration to be found in the talent of fellow musicians. “I am inspired by many drummers and percussionists, both good and bad. You can learn something from everyone.” Together, the inspiration and knowledge with which this band is so rich, fuels a sizzling hot creative process that spits out hit-worthy tunes.

The Artist at Work

The Repeat Offenders has declared themselves the “most dangerous acoustic metal band in North Florida.” But fans aren't afraid. Whenever these guys play, the audience shows up and the listeners are always blown away. The opportunity to play live has been steady with the group hitting one venue after another, “increasing our fan base one gig at a time.” Rodriguez and Co. have announced the release of a new album, “Tune in Tokyo,” set for early 2008. In addition, “we are interested in working with filmmakers to compose original scores and soundtracks.” The Repeat Offenders are currently working with A&R Select, the leading indie A&R firm in Hollywood, CA.


“Captivating melodies, delicious rhythms and plain ol' tight songwriting – The Repeat Offenders need to keep on offending!” - A&R Select

VISIT Ron Rodriguez & The Repeat Offenders on Promo FM NOW!



Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Peace be with you Mr Podvarney

Montville - Ronald Podvarney, 69, passed away peacefully Wednesday, April 23, 2008, at his home in Oakdale, after a brief battle with cancer.He was born May 15, 1938, in the small coal-mining town of ...
Posted by Ron Rodriguez & The Repeat Offenders on Wed, 30 Apr 2008 03:15:00 PST


NEW!! THE JACKSONVILLE SONGWRITER & MUSIC FORUMOur mission statement and purpose:- To infuse a positive force and movement in the Jacksonville music community.- To create a positive and nurturing atmo...
Posted by Ron Rodriguez & The Repeat Offenders on Thu, 10 Apr 2008 06:27:00 PST

Making a different kind of "record"

Thanks to the Jacksonville Daily Record for the pub!!Check out The Repeat Offenders on the run!...
Posted by Ron Rodriguez & The Repeat Offenders on Tue, 08 Apr 2008 08:59:00 PST

You Are The Temple

When we realize that we are the house of God, then God is everywhere we are. He is just as powerful in me, whether I am on a mountain top, by the sea, in a Mosque, or in an organized church meeting. T...
Posted by Ron Rodriguez & The Repeat Offenders on Sun, 30 Mar 2008 08:07:00 PST

The Resurrection

The Resurrection The resurrection of Jesus Christ is a vital part of the gospel message, for a dead Christ can save nobody (1 Cor. 15:1-19). The empty tomb is proof that He is the Son of God (Rom. ...
Posted by Ron Rodriguez & The Repeat Offenders on Sun, 23 Mar 2008 04:44:00 PST


Rick Joyner: Mobilizing the Army --Raising Up an Effective ForceAs we consider the anointing for mobilizing, we must also understand how this applies to numbers. John the Baptist had an anointing to c...
Posted by Ron Rodriguez & The Repeat Offenders on Sat, 22 Mar 2008 06:26:00 PST

Matthew 6:24 "You cannot serve God and mammon." God, not money, must be our master.

A Land Of IdolsIsrael committed many sins, but the worst of them involved idol worship; idolatry, beyond all others, tried God’s heart. How does that relate to us, you ask? We don’t have o...
Posted by Ron Rodriguez & The Repeat Offenders on Tue, 18 Mar 2008 07:32:00 PST

The Idol Of Wanton Immorality

We’ve discussed the idol of mammon, and we’ve mentioned other idols such as fear and worldliness. But let me also speak candidly about another false god: the powerful idol of unbridled sex...
Posted by Ron Rodriguez & The Repeat Offenders on Tue, 18 Mar 2008 09:59:00 PST

The BLOOD that SPEAKS! The Blood of Christ UNLOCKS the TREASURY of Heaven

In this teaching, we will look at an aspect of Revival in the Church. It is one of the historic cornerstone teachings of the Church--it’s the Blood of Jesus. I have included below a portion of m...
Posted by Ron Rodriguez & The Repeat Offenders on Mon, 17 Mar 2008 06:37:00 PST

from Chuck D. Pierce and

Prophecy Received Last Weekend at Open the Gates of Heaven Conference:I am so grateful for each of you who joined us this past weekend for the Opening the Gates of Heaven Conference. The level of reve...
Posted by Ron Rodriguez & The Repeat Offenders on Sat, 15 Mar 2008 05:58:00 PST