Hello there dummy :]. Here's a little bit of my Best Bestest Best friend/gurl Friend. :]. First of all, Just look at her! You all know your jealous of her. :D. Yada Yada Yada! Enough of that. Now this is how it got start. Skip Skip. Sorry it's for me to know and you to find out. Aw i'm so nice. haha. Back to what i was saying. This is "DUMMY" the other half of me. The Smile that brings to my face. There's nothing to it. Everything of her is like "un-explainable" . Millions of words would tell us about of her. But as for me it's only one word "SMILES" . Why did i chose that? Who knows! It brings the smile out of me. No matter what,saying the stupidest thing to being goofy it'll make us laugh, which will bring a smile to our faces. From "Fighting" to "Sadness" , bringing teardrops into our eyes. No matter how things become, Nothing i mean NOTHING will stop us. Deep down from my soul, "I LOVE YOU" and always . The memories will always be kept inside. It will never be forgotten. Now stop reading and go look at something else. Sheesh!