Drinking H_2_O, eating food that is not only good tasting but also has a smell that is like, G-O-O-D, & also looks very appealing, lifting weights, playin basketball, bullshittin with people.
Well obviously in the end, I'd like to not only meet but end up with that special one. Which i doubt will be obtained but i'm sure i'll have a hell of a good time on the ride tryin to find the "One", trust me I know how to get my crunk on!
D%A %D%A
Favorite color? & Why? blue, cause it's calm & mysterious, but also gentle & rough
Favorite sport to watch or play? NCAA Basketball March Madness
How many previous bf's/gf's have you had? 7 -10(not sure)
For guys only are you an asshole or a nice guy? nice guy
Girls only are you a tease/flirt, beer slut, or a relationship person?
Girls only homemade candle lit dinner or picnic?
Dudes stripclub or movie night w/the gf? both
Sexual positon, top or bottom? not sure(but I'd like to switch it up)
relationship or hook up's? both
free radio or xm radio? both
Well i'll be one of the sheep for this one & say, life without music would suck!!! But y?, well i'll tell you questioners Y! Because w/music, we get a false sense that all the people in the world are born with a equal chance to end up with the so called perfect life, & with that feeling we get to do, see, & experience some things that make life amazing. Also it lets us white people dance like a creature with no control over are bodies whatsoever, & that is awesome fun!!
everything, well not everything but lots!
is good, interesting, shizit!
dont really read, but I do, so dont judge me as a none reader! horatio-guneth12
their is not such things. people have heroic qualitites, just the most of them refuse to show it.(example: holdin the door for a stranger, being curitious/polite, standin tall for ur beliefs all while bein able to listen to others