I really dig music. Kinda makes me who I am. I love playing my guitar and writing music, wish I carved out more time to do so. I live at the beach in Charleston, SC so I really love the water around here. Love getting in the surf... it's such a comfort. I used to Kayak a lot up in the mountains, ya know, where you could get hurt... now I just put my boat in the ocean and surf the easy waves! Yeah, gettin' soft in my older years! I have 3 great dogs that always make me laugh. And my biggest inspiration is my beautiful wife of 4 years! She always makes me laugh and I could simply live in the middle of the woods or a deserted island as long as she was with me... basically my muse!
Music... makes the world go round. Man, we can accomplish anything and everything through music. Brings people together, makes people smile, laugh, sing together... man, we could stop wars with this stuff! Simply put I like a lot of music... but mostly I stick to the Americana style; people like John Prine, Darrell Scott, Tim O'Brien, Dylan, Alison Krauss, Arlo Gutherie, Dwight Yoakam, Donna the Buffalo, Leftover Salmon, Doc Watson, Emmylou, Lyle Lovett, etc... I think you sorta get the picture. These guys have great, pure sounds, incredible presence... music that willl stick around for years. This is good stuff folks!
"Easy Rider" and "Harold and Maude"... some of the greatest!
"Fountainhead", "Catcher in the Rye", "The Lorax"
My Dad... he's such a DUDE!!!