Etoile profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

20 something kiwi grrrl living in London for the past 5 years.I grew up on a small farm in New Zealand, I got to ride tractors, play with chainsaws and air rifles.It was ace.Described as "A stepford wife on acid with lots of kinky outfits" by the person who has known me since I arrived in the Uk. Frequently unrecognisable in public.

My Interests

Scores of 'em, I tell you, generally not suitable for children.Dancing (ballet, belly, tango), reading, weight training, visiting different clubs, meeting people.

I'd like to meet:

You, me and a bottle makes three.Chaps over 6ft.


The whole gamut, from industrial goffic music through to R'n'B and electroclash. Also a great deal of cheesy eighties rock. And grunge when I am feeling nostalgic.


The Fifth Element, Layer Cake, Princess Bride, Gattaca, American Psycho, Moulin Rouge, Thomas Crown Affair, Zoolander


Dr Who, Invader Zim, Spongebob Squarepants, Allo Allo, Fawlty Towers, Family Guy, Spaced, Magnum PI, The New Statesman, SOUTH PARK, Boston Legal


The Flashman Series, Rumpole & the Bailey, historic autobiographys, Victorian fiction


Jeeves & Leeloo Dallas

My Blog

There's a blog - ooh!

Oooh, somewhere else to download inane mental ponderings that come dribbling out. Exxxcellent. Other than that, moved house, have a hot date with a bunch of dvds & a microwave tonight and the res...
Posted by Etoile on Fri, 09 Feb 2007 05:05:00 PST