What ANSONIA Means
A is for Abstract
N is for Naughty
S is for Shy
O is for Openhearted
N is for Nutty
I is for Irresistible
A is for Amorous
What Does Your Name Mean?
God and who ever else the Lord brings my way.
Myspace Layouts
I love gospel music I don't really have a favorite artist, and I also like R&B and I really don't like too much of rap music.
God, my brothers(especially Xavy),my sister and my parents.
Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from S e x i l u v . c o m
First Name: Ansonia
Middle: U dont wanna know
Birthday: August 4 (Yeah Im a Leo Baby!!!!!!!)
Eyes: brown
Hair: brown
Fav. Color: blue & black
Day/Night: Night Baby
Fav. Food: Chicken, Neckbones and Macaroni&Cheese (Yummy)
Friends and Life
Do you ever wish you had another name?: Oh no, I love the name Ansonia its different
Do you like anyone?: Yes I do
Which one of your friends acts the most like u?: It has to be Shawn, because when we get around each other we just dont know how to act.
Who's the shyest?: THEM NIGGAS AINT SHY, IM THE SHY ONE!!!
Are you close to any family members?: Other than my siblings, My cousins Tiki, Valisha and Denard and my nieces and nephews.
When u cried the most?: When Kennard died on July17th and when they buried him on July21st. Those were the worst days of my life so far, and it still hurts.
What's the best feeling in the world?: Being loved by someone who loves u back.
Worst feeling?: Losing someone u truly love and Getting your heart broken. That really hurts.
Finish Each Sentence
Let's walk on the: Beach
Let's run through: The Park
Let's look at the: stars
What a nice: car u have
Where did all the: MONEY GO!!!!
Why can't you: jUST UNDERSTAND ME!!!!!!!!
Silly, little: Boy
Tell me: Everything and STOP LYING and LEARN HOW TO OPEN UP TO ME!!!!!
Pictured your crush naked: Who hasn't?
Skipped school: too many times, I THANK GOD I GRADUATED!!!!!!!
Broken someone's heart: yeah, but he also broke mine, but u live and u learn
Been in love: Yes I have been and I will be again
Cried when someone died: Oh yes when my Kenny died and I still cry about it. I miss my Kenny!!!!
Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have: yeah, someone I want back, but I gotta stop being stupid and move on, because he is not coming back
Done something embarrassing: Of course all the time! lol
Done a drug: yeah a couple of times, but not anymore
Cried in school: yeah
Your Good Luck Charm My Dad and sometimes my mom
Person You Hate Most: That darn Devil!!! He be messing up everything!!!
Best Thing That Has Happened: I still dont know, but it is coming sooner than u think....I can't say what right now though
Ice Cream: Butter Pecan
WHO Makes you laugh the most: Myself, and Shawn crazy ass, The CVS crew, Valisha, and Andrew, Smoke, Tony, and last, but not least Daryl:)
Makes you smile: Daryl
Has A Crush On You: I dont know
Do You Have A Crush On Someone: I dont think I would call it a crush
Fallen for your best friend?: no not since we have been best friends
Made out with JUST a friend?: no
Kissed two people in the same day?: yeah, but not like that
Had sex with two different people in the same day?: honestly yeah I was young and dumb (16 to be exact) and not at the same time either
Been rejected: yeah
Been used?: yeah a lot
Done something you regret?: yeah, but u live and u learn
Cheated on someone?: yeah like over 2 years ago other than I have been faithful, but them niggas cant handle it
Been called a tease: yeah
You touched?: Daryl
You talked to on the phone?: My Grandma
You hugged?: Daryl
You instant messaged?: some aggravating nigga on yahoo
You kissed?: HMMMMMMM Daryl
You yelled at?: Daryl, and im so sorry for that
Who text messaged you?: Daryl
Who broke your heart?: u know what im not going to answer that, im just going to say it will be mended.
Number of things in my Past I Regret: have repented so if God has forgiven me, I can now forgive myself and I have. Therefore I have nothing to Regret.