(ORGANIZED CRIME MOVEMENT)oookkk soo thiss iis Crysstall or CeCeeee speakiiinGg.. imm onee of markss kewlesst freakkinn frieends... soo umm yeahh... well markk isss dah coolesttt dudeee everrr hess sloooww sommtimes.....but cannn be suuch a freakkiin sweeethearrt =P...he alwaysss theree too listen soo ladddys ya culdd trusst emm.... heee dOnt takee shXt frOm nO O01 soo dunt takee em as aa succkkER i dOntt thiink there wusz a need O02 sayy thatt its a FACT!.... UHMMM markkbibby isz a graduate soo umm yeahhh hes extra cooliiO noowww HEHE =) lmfaooo... ummmm if u wanna know ne thingg moree just im hiiimm on hisz wack screen-name lmfaoo jk umm my work is doOne here..G_ONE (TOM BRADY) (Mark Cartel and Young Ty)