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sexy naughty bitchy me

About Me

i'm a sociopathic freak..just kiddin' :p i'm simply me :) i'm too lazy to write all about me...just get to know me better :P hahahaha

My Interests

hhhhmmm......reading i guess, watching tv, surfin the net, swimmin and anything else i consider enjoyable :P hehe

I'd like to meet:



r n' b..a bit of punk, a bit of alternativ and soul..anything that i consider pleasing to my ears :P


i like coyote ugly, miss congeniality..and i realizd that i like sixth sense, fools rush in, legally blonde, parent trap, freakyfriday :P and i like passion of christ too..and.......hmmmmm? um, notting hill, the pianist, bourne identity and the list goes on and on and on... :)


hhhmmmmmm....i like reality tv stuff..survivor, for love or money, the bachelor and those thingies :) hehehe i like watching mtv too and i really enjoy watching comedy sitcoms like just shoot me, that 70's show, still standing..and again, the list goes on and on..


toooo, coldfire by dean koontz, morning noon and night by sidney sheldon, dead zone by stephen king..and lotsssssssssss more :) i'm fond of reading ;)


dunnoo..jose rizal?

My Blog

im supposed to be having fun

it really is something when you keep all your emotions inside of day, it'll just burst out when you least expect it... and it really is hard when you know that you still feel for someone but...
Posted by ching on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

life is good when we're having fun *lalalala*

life is good when we're having is good when we're having fuuuuuuuuuunnnnnnnnnnnnn that's a song i heard and it is actually true..something i realized lately ÜÜ anyway..i'm actually havi...
Posted by ching on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

its not so bad

life isn't so bad nowadays..i find myself enjoying the i'm doing good at the it's nice ;) and i gets to wander around the mall and i don't think about my problems h...
Posted by ching on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

damn freaking stupidity

i just realized, truly realized the value of what they say "think before you act".. it really bothers me that finally, i've done something really really stupid and something very offending to someone...
Posted by ching on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


its so weird...i mean one moment the guy wants to talk to you every chance he gets and then the next he acts as if he doesn't give a fig about you AT ALL.. damn..... and definitely you'll feel u...
Posted by ching on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

love thingy

someone once told me, i love you is eight letters but so is bullshit..hmm..maybe we are just pesimistic but what the hell, it doesn't hurt to be one.. while i was in a review center staring at the ...
Posted by ching on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


i'm thinking if i should regret persuading my parents to allow me to review for the upcat..darn review it was my first day there and i had no one to talk to for i was with no one.. and i felt alllll...
Posted by ching on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


damn summer summer's always been uhhhhh..indescribable for me..well that is since i entered high school my 1st year summer was spent crying over my second year, during the summer, i met ...
Posted by ching on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

my space

i just remembered that i had a my space account..and thankfully i haven't forgotten the password.. :) and might as well say that my space is better than friendster, in my opinion ;) hhhmmmmm.........
Posted by ching on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST