Attention: the following message is only a product of boredom, but if i wasnt so unoccupied I wouldn't have been thinking, and I know my thoughts know me better than anyone.
So without futher adieu, My take on the PHRASE, "The light at the end of the tunnel".
If life seems tough, If you are going through some dark times, If the only light is at the END of the tunnel, then lets just .. build a campfire right here right now in this, our tunnel we are in, and take a rest, have a picnic, a pause. Talk about how smart we were to have thought of it.
We all started out running strong, running blinded by the hope of reaching those goals in life we all imagine. I am envisioning the inside of my tunnel as if to walk from end to end through a motel with those "room connecting doors", well sorta....I am seeing all the objects, people, and the interactions ahead and behind in the wide open tunnel of life, and indeed; a light at the very end. And at the end, that moment when there is nothing left ahead of you in the tunnel, and you are ready to die; all you can do now is look backwards on all the life you have gone through to get to this point. One may ask themselves, "What does it all mean"?
If you examine the phrase scientifically you will notice that the physical properties of light prevents all inside the tunnel from seeing anything in front of them, except "silhouettes" for there is no light "In" the tunnel to reflect.....:The Future Is Unclear:
The future's outline IS projected on the stuff around us and ourselves, our own torsos are the projector's screens, yet we all too often struggle to see the future, so we try to guess just what we see in the shadows cast from the life ahead. The shadows we wear could be of good things or bad, The light and darkness in each of us. The moments of clarity and hope or feelings of fear and confusion passing over us while we press on towards the new sihouettes we draw ever nearer to...
As we question what we are seeing up ahead in our tunnels, ~~we can only look upon the past for answers!!! all the casted shadows from what is ahead in the tunnel FALL ON THE OBJECTS IN THE LIFE YOU HAVE ALREADY LIVED. AS WELL AS THE LIGHT --> (*) FROM THE END OF THE TUNNEL. YOU HAVE TO HAVE PASSED AN OBJECT IN THE TUNNEL TO BE ABLE TO SEE IT'S REFLECTED LIGHT, BUT BY THAT TIME IT IS ALREADY IN THE PAST AND YOU CAN"T GO BACK, you cant redo whats already behind, you, whats already visible,,,that would make life too easy... and that brings up another word to mind..."HINDSIGHT"!! ...
All we can see AHEAD in the tunnel is an outline of the future, but when we reach whatever it was we thought we saw in the outline,, it could turn out to be something different. Won't truly know until we get there.
So how about that campfire...tonight!...so that all around us in the tunnel of life may become clearer. for a while anyways. I bet we could see a little what's up ahead too!
The light at the end of the tunnel isnt the only thing burning bright.