I love life, my family, and my momma, but I feel like I am good at just about eveything. Although I love and excel in shooting pool and ping pong. I play a lot of basketball, tennis, golf, and basically all sports in general. I am also naturally attracted to anything that makes me laugh!!
Shoot...i don't care holler at me
I am lucky to love and appreciate all music. From Creedence to Outkast, from Mak Million to Bob Dillon, and everything between 'em!!! I am also an Old country boy and a Bluegrass fan!
I am definitely a movie buff. But my favorites are Snatch, Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Super Troopers, Caddyshack, anything with Mike Epps, Dumb and Dumber, and GRANDMA"S BOY is the funniest movie ever made(just puttin' it out there)!!! Mainly comedy, but my list could go on and on!!!
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killing Pablo (last biography I read). I haven't been doing as much reading lately as I should, but i'll get back to it.
Peter Griffin....(hands down!)
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