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About Me

The Secrets of LifeThe secret lies in a code and the code is in recognizing the patterns in life. This is the general pattern of all things: thoughts create feelings, feelings create vibrations, and vibrations attract and cause other things of like kind to vibrate. Vibrations correspond to musical notes that correspond to certain colors, which correspond to certain letters that correspond to certain numbers that are the building blocks of all things. All things exist in a state of paradox. Knowing the signs and patterns in life will give you the power to overcome and actualize all things. Rule one: Prepare for the worst hope for the best. To be successful one must gain assets and eliminate liabilities and learning the difference is key. Those who have assets whether financial, physical, emotional, or spiritual are better off than those who have the illusion of having a lot of money or things and a ton of liabilities or potential liabilities. Rule two: If you have to ask for something more than once of twice it wasn't yours in the first place. (Don’t repeat the same behavior expecting different results.) Rule three: Understanding, observation, and withholding judgment leads to clear analyzation that leads to wisdom. Interpretation is everything don’t miss the synchronicity, irony, and archetypes in the symbolism of life. Think for yourself. You’re frozen when your hearts not open. Rule four: Pride and Vanity are the basis for all evil motivations while love and compassion are the basis for all positive energy. Rule five: Relationships are the most important fundamental element of life. The easiest way to make friends is to smile, use their name, talk about what interests them and complement them. Avoid saying no and getting a no answers by asking questing that you know will get yes answers. Make suggestions not orders. When dealing with teamwork to get goals done, create competition and interesting challenges. Behavior is modified by extinction and reward. 80 percent of communication is body language. The subconscious signs of the body will tell you what the person is really thinking and feeling. Rule six: Let go of all fear. Fear creates excuses and excuses are traps of the mind that block all success and rhythm and flow. Center yourself and deep breathe. You can keep moving, even without all the answers. Just know that the path will be there, and concentrate on putting one foot in front of the other. You'll be on a clear stretch of road before you know it. Rule seven: At the end of the day don't take it personally in the end it’s all not really about you. Rule eight: Ones life is spent trying to capture what was missing in youth but you must forgive yourself first. Anger and depression are two sides of the same coin caused by refusing to accept and embrace fate. Rule nine: The subconscious is more powerful than the conscious. Rule ten: Think outside the box, creativity is the answer to all things

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