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Glenn Close-up Magic

About Me


My Interests

ill do sleight of hand usually

I'd like to meet:

-brady's room


Nigur Rós


"one youth-small movie please"


william s. burroughs
james joyce
brion gysin
amy hemple
gertrude stein
don delillo
robert anton wilson
mark leyner
richard brandler
antonin artaud
alfred korzybski


jay sankey!

My Blog

Jim: a short story by Brady Morrison & Kirk Meynig

Posted by kirk on Thu, 25 Jan 2007 08:33:00 PST

when I time travel by Kirk Meynig

I just go to a new message and pick a cup up and drink it. and then after I read it I set my cup down, I click back on my browser and then I see a message with a face of a person I know, but...
Posted by kirk on Sat, 06 Jan 2007 01:59:00 PST