photographs; traveling; airplanes; fashion; painting; london; 1960's mod; sunshine; picnics; the beach; ouija boards; html; thrift stores; mix tapes; vintage; text messages; naps; white wine; tetra packs; discovering a new beer; modern art; taxi cabs; tea parties; british tabloids; school playgrounds; scooters; polka dot prints; dancing; sunglasses; scarfs; politics; brit-pop; motown; french pop; urban planning; sustainability; street grids; you tube; myspace; insomnia; big belts; weekend excursions; road trips; tambourines; good foreign films; spanish guitars; architecture books; british invasion;
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shameless, lost and coronation street
"Sex has become much more competitive, with the girls becoming sort of predators as well. It's ferocious." - Martin Amis
Lisa Moorish and John Dwyer