Drinking coffee, walking(being outside),reading,swimming/going out on the lake, having an interesting conversation, going to my brother's ballgames, traveling(One day I would like to do it more than I talk about it), writing, watching someone do what they're really talented at, meeting new people/finding new places, preaching, teaching, listening to all sorts of music and going to concerts. And definitely spending time with all the teens in my youth ministry...I'm going to be honest, we have the coolest teens around!
Above all else, I eagerly await the day when I will get swept up into Glory and meet my Savior face to face. I can't even imagine it! If they were still living: Oswald Chambers, Keith Green, D.L. Moody and defnitely King David. Honestly, I would have no problem having a sit down with Beth Moore...that woman can teach the Word:) Donald Miller, Rob Bell, Owen Wilson,John Cusack,Tom Welling(To share Christ with him, of course!)
I LOVE anything Jazz, Big Band and especially ACOUSTIC. The rest depends on my mood...reggae, R&B, Alternative Rock, and praise God I no longer enjoy the sappy country songs...luckily that season in my life is over!
Sixteen Candles, Wild Horses Can't Be Broken, Ann of Green Gables (1,2,and3...yes, i was a homeschooler till 4th grade), Pride and Prejudice, Serendipity, Remember the Titans (SUNSHINE) ,Glory Road, Legends of the Fall, The Notebook, Dumb and Dumber, Office Space, (Honestly, I love the teenie bopper movies...I know, it's sad)
TV doesn't interest me much but I do love Smallville. Other than that I try to catch a few re-runs of Boy Meets World or Fresh Prince of Bell Air when I can. (You also can't go wrong with Family Matters, Full House or Saved by the Bell.)
The Bible(psalms), My Upmost for His Highest, The Practice of the Presence of God, Blue Like Jazz, Searching for God Knows What, Pride and Prejudice, The Notebook, Velevet Elvis, and Spiritual Leadership.
The obvious: Jesus Christ. Also the teens i come in contact with on a daily basis who choose to live unshamedly for God. I know it's incredibly tough to live the set apart life, especially at that age. I admire them more and more.