I like music and going to shows. Seeing new acts and old ones. Photography, Cooking, traveling, Sports; playing, watching and talking about: NFL (SDC Baby!), baseball, basketball, FRISBEE, volleyball, biking, kadima, tennis, raquetball, kayaking, ping pong, golf, croquet, catch, juggling, pickle, whatever. I also like going to the beach - its almost time again.
LT, Maria Sharapova, Clive Cussler, Joe Morgan, Magnum PI and People with lobster claws for hands.
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Chroma, COPE, Sunset Bridge, Grateful Dead, Bad Religion, Steely Dan, DMB, BIG, G Love, 311, Donna the Buffalo, UJB, Green Lemon, Wu Tang, Everclear, Karl Denson's Tiny Universe, Jimi, Beastie Boys, Croce, Gn'R, Weezer, Matysiahu, Lionel Richie, Jack J., Frank, Louis, Barry, ..... juat to name a few...so much music - so little time.
Braveheart, Scarface, Ususal Suspects, Big Lebowksi, GWTW, Half Baked, Young Guns, Friday, City of G-d, Harold & Kumar, Goonies, Color of Money, Resovoir Dogs, Starship Troopers - this list goes on & on ... Has anyone seen the end of Kingdom of Heaven? Anyone?
Iron Chef and Scrubbs can be funny sometimes
By Way of Deception, The Haj, On the Road, Valhalla Rising, A Brief History of Time.
Tony Gwynn (HOFer) & Space Ghost