alot of stuff. anime books vampires werewolves wolves wicca music tech art school (i dont like it but i do want an education) food (who doesnt) ghost (for i have seen a ghost when i was little) games tv
Voila! In view, a humble Vaudervillian Veteran cast Vicariously as Victim and Villain by the Vicissitudes of fate. This Visage, no mere Veneer of Vanity is a Vestige of the Vox populi, now Vancant, Vanished. However, this Valorous Visitation of a bygone Vexation stands Vivified and has Vowed to Vanquish these Venal and Virulent Vermin Vanguarding Vics and Vouchsafing the Violently Vicious and Voracious Violation of Volition. The only Verdict is Vengence, a Vendetta held as a Votive not in Vain for the Value and Veracity of such shall and day Vindicate the Vigilant and the Virtuous. Verily, this Vichyssoise of Verbiage Veers most Verbose so let me simply add thats it's my Very good honor to meet you. and you may call me V.
Metal mostly but i can listen to anthing but gospel and country (even though i live in a place like that) but if you have a band you think i might like tell me.
way too many to list.....but i will tell you the movies i dont like...Cabin fever, the sound of music,and White noise ( because i know too much about ghost so that movie made me angry) and i didnt enjoy hostel too much
cartoons law and order csi xplay and anything that gets my attention
the vampire chronicles twilight new moon vampire kisses and soo much more