THE ENTERPRISE:The staff at Nema Collection is very excited about the upcoming year. This year will provide an opportunity for further growth and market exposure. The Nema Collection consist of many product lines which you will find while browsing through our website. As our culture changes and evolves; so do the fashion designers and staff at Nema. We realize that fashion is not always following the trend but is more enjoyable when setting the trend. This is what people should expect everytime they wear a Nema Collection item.New Feature:The Nema Collection staff has enabled customers the ability to pay for products on its shopping cart page..This will enable customers from around the world to purchase and fashionably wear Nema products.Feature Product:Cheval Marin:Cheval Marin is a newly designed sub-line of Nema Collection. Cheval Marin is translated as "sea horse" in French. LeRoy Hall decided to use the French translation of the word sea horse because of the French bloodlines that are present on his mother's side of the family. The sea horse is a representation of his late mother's love for the ocean. Cheval Marin is recognized by its boldly designed sea horse logo that is fashionably represented on each article of clothing. Cheval Marin's color combinations and intricately thought of designs are sure to create a frenzy in the fashion world..stay tuned!!!President- LeRoy Hall Jr.
The Nema Collection
"Witness the Evolution of Fashion"
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