Well i go by two titles, the first one is Nick, just A average human being struggling through life like the rest of us trying to find his heaven on earth. My other title some know me by is John Brown The Abimusicianist, your friendly neighborhhod concious rapper trying to save the youth and the world for that matter.But After it is all said and done a name is just a name, what is important is the title you give yourself. You have to ask yourself who are you? What do you stand for? Is what your standing for the righteous way to go or the selfish way to go? Well me i chose the righteous and now that i have its a lot more lonley of a path then the selfish self destructive one, but all in all its worth it. God knows i used to stand for things that would ultimitley destroy me and all those around me, but I heard that same God whisper in my ear and he told me i was A "KING" and ever since his whisper I never looked back. I dont say all this saying i'm better or more advanced, i'm simply saying this because "I KNOW" we as people can all reach this level of conciousness and the divine in us all wants this to be realized. To all people of the world I extend my hand in friendship,I'am a real,genuine,soulful human being just trying to bring some light to this dark world. So if you like to speak reveloution,politics,or on how to make this world a better place or maybe just coversate about life and its daily surprises GET AT ME!
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