Skeptics often slander the unforeseen abilities of those who play in the field of creating ideas from life and life from ideas. To merge rocker impact with funk flow would be somewhat of a narcissist move. PunchTube doesn’t really care.Bios are often created to tease the reader with tantalizing information about the group at hand. PunchTube isn't right off the chopping block and there are no pretenses here. PunchTube consists of two very distinctive styles. A once prearranged marriage has now evolved into an oddly lucid joining of two separate but equally appealing entities.PunchTube’s seasoned guitar antics create a careful balance of riff induced melodies, soulfully employed by a beyond pop voice. Each melodic lyric lures you in and funks you up by exposing your over marketed ears to an uncommon but addictive new sound.A viewing of the past can be both therapeutic and sometimes debilitating, yet to ease the desire of the masses, PunchTube will comply. PunchTube members retrieve from diverse concepts of music. With over 12 000 spectators fueled from “Exciter"’s live shows in Rio de Janeiro, two internationally distributed albums and several European tours, the real comic relief is how this metal based rocker found creative solace in pairing up with a soulster vocalist whose talents have rocked the kiddie occupied seats of Ontario Place & Canada’s Wonderland in Toronto, Canada & spawned her solo album “Realâ€.To hesitate, one can sometimes miss the mark. So seemingly strange, PunchTube exists. Impact…flow.Enough said, just listen.
PunchTube Live Bootleg (Raw Footage):
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