Get a spiffy layout like this at My Space or Yours?To all who do and all who don't know me. These are the things that I LOVE! I love The Father, The Son & Holy Ghost... I love to be in the presence of God.I love my church (Christ Church of the Heartland, Cape Girardeau MO) and my Pastor and his family. I have the most loving, driven, friendly, God fearing Pastor on earth. I have 3 wonderful kids & 3 wonderful grandbabies well 2 of them are adopted in a sence. I love hearing Keenan laugh hard...I love seeing baby Sarah laugh hard. I love to hear Dana sing when no one is listening. I love my kids & grandkids with everything within me. They are what brings me the most pleasure in life.I love seeing Ashley laugh hard, her nostrills flare and has since she was very little. I love for my kids to get in bed with me.AND to let me snuggle them not rub thier back LOL.. and Pop too. I love hugs..I hate being so far from my boys & Keenan. I love spending time with them & my close friends. I love my sisters... so much it hurts. I love my family more than life itself. I wish I lived closer to my family Cooking is a passion of mine,it is the gift that God has given to me for his purpose. I LOVE to cook.I love reading cookbooks, I love trying new food, new tastes,& textures. I get sick of the same ole same ole. I love my best friends Debby and Polly. We love experimenting with new foods and savor every moment.I have the coolest friends and family of anyone I know.I love the VAULT Me, Mendy, Polly, Stacy, Michelle and Jenny. I love teasing Polly. I love to paint. I love to joke and kid. I love to laugh. I love to be in my bed with my fan running. My fan and my bed is my biggest physical comfort when I am sad or tired. I love Putsy and Elle... I love American Idol night with my American Idol Cell Group..LOL I love LOST TV Show. I love a windy spring day with just a slight chill and to sit out side with a blanket. I love to watch rapids and watch ocean waves crash on the shore. I love camping with family. I love to be warm and hate to be cold. I love these new stretch jeans with tapered legs. LOL I love herbs and growing them. I love gardens...and fresh veggies. I love flowers and working in my flower beds. I love America. I love FreedomTHESE THINGS I STAND FOR!
DON'T DRINK AND DRIVEThings I hate. The use of Gods name in vain. When someone who don't even know the basic's of salvation, make fun of the things of God and the moving of the Holy Spirit. People who diss our country and president. People who say mean things to belittle me. When someone is PROUD of thier Sin and Gloats about it as nothing were wrong with it.