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About Me

It seems as though the "about me" portion of life tends to change and shift a bit as I get older. This happens sometimes within, what seems to be, kalpas of time and other times within the blink of an eye. Meeting new people is very important to me. I love experiencing the opportunity to know people's essences. As a newly licensed massage therapist, Reiki practitioner, and a business owner my opportunities are endless. My devotion to my beautiful children, fabulous partner, and building a broad client base take up my every waking moment. My business development is coming along nicely. I have decided that I will not lease a fixed space for my massage practice, but rather get paid to travel accross country and internationally to perform massages for those who desire them. I have also begun reaching out and daring to do the imaginable. Dreams do come true!!! Sometimes we just don't know where or when...determination really IS the key. Each and every day, each and every ounce of energy I have goes into my dreams becoming reality. Throughout my life I have asked many successful people "how'd you do it?". Each of their responses to me contained these three elements: Perseverence (never giving up), a little luck (being in the right place at the right time), and visualization (keep your eye on your goal). I follow this formula with one other factor added: I chant a Nichiren buddhist mantra on a daily basis: Nam myoho renge kyo (Devotion to the mystic law of cause and effect through teaching/sound/vibration.) The recipe is simple to say, hard to follow. Because of this, I rededicate myself DAILY. That is the best I can do. Otherwise, the "eye of the tiger" seems too damned big to work on. I fall down, skin my knees, and use the very same ground that I skinned myself upon to help myself right back up again. Life is groovy today...tomorrow might be another story as that proverbial "about-me life-shift" takes me to a new level of being. Namaste'
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Lisa Mann- Pray for the Junkie

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Why does RuPaul come to mind? Gotta love a drag queen! Oh yes, and of course, My 1st girl child, Ashley, who I relinquished for adoption in 1987... Nelson Mandela, Eleanore Roosevelt, Marilyn Monroe, His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Einstein, Mother Theresa, Buddah, SGI President Daisaku Ikeda, a monk in Tibet, any lonley soul waiting at a bus stop that wants to share their story...Everyone who knows the way to Rome (as the saying goes: "You must ask directions if you want to know the way to Rome." Meaning: talk to/with and listen to everyone...we all have a story. The next person I talk to just might lead me to the places I dream of being!!!) I will be in India in my dream of seeing amazing color and learning healing rituals. I long for a more purist lifestyle. I feel that mainstream ANYTHING sucks!!...computers, cell phones,microwaves, etc are useful, yet, I see them as draining/depleting. I need nature to speak with and listen to. OK, so I'm getting hippie on ya, but hey! You gotta admit that a babbling brook is a heck of a lot better than a babbling television!!!
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My Blog

Parts 2-7 of days 2-7

We are in Tonopah, NV...High desert country....Cold as a witch’s booby!  Over the last 5 days we have seen various terrain, numerous indian reservations, the Grand Canyon, Hoover Dam, Las V...
Posted by on Tue, 01 Apr 2008 08:59:00 GMT

Day 2, part 1

Day 2 of many..... This is actually an ACCOUNT of days 2-4. It is all a blurrrr. The days, states, Walmarts, and hotels have run together into one streaming memory. Roads begin to look the same after ...
Posted by on Sat, 29 Mar 2008 08:45:00 GMT

Day 2, part 1

Day 2 of many..... This is actually an ACCOUNT of days 2-4. It is all a blurrrr. The days, states, Walmarts, and hotels have run together into one streaming memory. Roads begin to look the same after ...
Posted by on Sat, 29 Mar 2008 08:54:00 GMT

Trans-continental trip 2, Day 1

Ahhhhh, another trip accross the United States.   My first trip was in July of ’07 with 5 kids, a mini-van, and a full flegged tire blowout doing 70mph on a 6% downgrade at 4000ft. That tr...
Posted by on Tue, 25 Mar 2008 20:19:00 GMT

My letter to Star Jones

I wrote the following as I honor what I must do: Teach, speak to the masses, and reach for the stars (excuse the pun)...enjoy.   My letter to Star Jones: Hello again Mrs. Jones Reynolds Prio...
Posted by on Mon, 26 Mar 2007 18:52:00 GMT

Still Giddy!

I finally received my 'go ahead' from the state of Florida to massage for money. Almost immediately, this past Sunday, I had my first 'gig'. An outcall...I was hired to give chair massages during a lu...
Posted by on Tue, 20 Mar 2007 10:36:00 GMT

Are we THERE yet?

Are we there yet? We always want to be "there": the store, through traffic, the next level of a game, the destination on a long trip, a financial goal, an educational degree, finding a suitable ...
Posted by on Tue, 20 Mar 2007 00:46:00 GMT

More actualization of 'dreaming the impossible dream'

WooooooooHoooooo!!! I graduated in December from Massage School, sent off my paperwork in early January and received my invitation to test this week. I tested today (Saturday) and friggin' PASSED!!!! ...
Posted by on Sat, 03 Feb 2007 23:28:00 GMT


Today is the day, and the moment is now for happiness. This life is not a dress rehearsal, this is it...either we 'get it' or we don't. I have found, through my Buddhist practice and lifestyle, that I...
Posted by on Mon, 22 Jan 2007 23:42:00 GMT


Determination. I thought I had all the determination I could handle until recently when I finally broke through yet another wall from which I peered from the side of yearning...looking upon what ...
Posted by on Sun, 21 Jan 2007 21:53:00 GMT