fazleeN profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

i close my eyes
let the whole thing past me by
there is no time to waste asking why
i'll run away with u by my side...

My Interests

moVies.. winDow sHoppin..chilli's..hehehe..yum,yum!

I'd like to meet:

anyBody...eVeryBody...=) someone who could bring changes to my life..n make me learn the wonders of the world!


All sorts of muSic that im able to liSten


harry PotteR=) greaT faN..


the OC,frienDs,sex n the city..


harrY potteR series..sidney Shieldon


someone who could "catcH me a falliN staR.."

My Blog

2004..A year to remember..

Soon 2004 is goin to end...n i guess i should be happy and looking forward to a new 2005.but i think im having fears towards the coming year..fear of facing the year ahead..and what's goin to happen i...
Posted by fazleeN on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


maybe he's forgotten the very first day we met, maybe he's forgotten our very first kiss, the first time we held hands, and maybe he's forgotten our very first birthday celebrations and our first ...
Posted by fazleeN on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

saye seorang x ..

Now I have an idea why people make such a big deal about exes. You know, stuff like, getting over the ex. Dealing with the ex. Being friends with the ex. Being the ex. I am an ex. I know that it...
Posted by fazleeN on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST