Hey im Stacey Goldie and i live in the best town in the world.... CORBY!!
I am 18 years old. The best age to be!! Luv doin what i want, when i want =P
Im at collage at the moment studying public services. Its way better than 6form... theres no one perticular person there that makes you feel like shit EVERYDAY!-- YES she knows hu she is!
The only thing i miss bout 6form is GROUP 16 (as she wud call us) Theres jane, janine, samJ, charlotte, smurf, kerry-anne,carly crow girl, rachel, lil lauren, elisa, nichola, SamP, Sukhi, Jill & Steph. I miss and love ya's all♥, but we still go on our lil nyts out :] Im GLAD ive still got 3 of my girls at collage YAY!
I work at Matalan which is ace and every1 hu works there is the best (except for one person and im sure most people agree)... SO a BIG shout out to the matalan crew :P ... just no more leaving now please
i find it a hell of a lot funny wen people try to piss you off by doing certain things.... but it just makes me chuckle, because i find it alot sad!..
I wanner make this year the BEST! :]
these people i ♥