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Rule Number 76: No excuses. Play like a champion!

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Wingman rules are very important, especially when doing night/bar/club game. Somewhat important for party or daytime cold approach game. Not very important for social circle gatherings.
These rules are important because they define a cooperative effort. Not all rules can be followed all the time but if too many are broken too often then that does not speak well of the recirpocal cooperation.
Rules to follow:
Rule Number 1: "Bros before hos" as they say...
Rule Number 2: Hang out with your wing sometimes when not specifically out to PU. This will help solidify your friendship and make interactions smoother.
Rule Number 3: Don't cockblock your own wing.
Rule Number 4: Be prepared to debrief interactions in the midst of the day/night so that you are synchronized with your wing.
Rule Number 5: Have a "story" prepared but don't feel the need to relay it just because asked you're asked. You should have a general "plan" for the night (i.e. "My friend & I are celebrating X tonight and planning to head to afterparty Y later..".) and also, if you aren't already long-time friends with your wing, be synchronized in how you know each other ("Mutual friend in Texas", etc).
Rule Number 6: Unless both your skills are top-notch and well-synchronized, don't approach sets simultaneously with your wing. Doing so raises "About to be gamed by lame guys" red flags with the sets. One guy approaches first, the other guy comes in later or is called in. Optimally, each guy should be doing his own sets most of the time and any mutual interactions should be during set merges, helping eject from a dead set, or disabling obstacles for the other wing if the set approached is a 1 or 2 set.
Rule Number 7: If a set might end up being worked by both wings at some point, division of targets should be agreed on ahead of time, if possible.
Rule Number 8: Coordinate and agree on a few (not too many) signals for things which help relay to your wing things like: "This one is my target", "Help me disable the obstacle", "I don't need help right now", or "Should I merge with your set?" As an example, one that's been floating around is "Have you seen Michelle around?" - if the lead says "Yes", you should try to join the set, if he says "no" that means "I'm doing fine on my own."
Rule Number 9: The guy who opens a set is the one who leads the interaction and determines what material to run with. The wing should not contradict or mimic the lead, only follow. This means the wing should do his best to pay attention and be observant of the leader's interactions.
Rule Number 10: Don't constantly "talk game" with your wing all day/night yet leave your wing to do all the opening. If you're not pulling your weight, do you think someone would want you to be their wing?
Rule Number 11: The guy who opens the set picks the target. If there is any confusion during an extraction or when isolating the set, the wingman must stick with the decision of the lead.
Rule Number 13: Don't say negative things about your wing, and don't disagree with him when in set, unless it's part of a planned routine that both of you know and have practiced.
Rule Number 14: When bringing in your wing to a set, do your best to introduce him in a positive way (without coming across like a salesman for him) or run an [Accomplishment Intro]? routine.
Rule Number 15: Don't overpower the guy who opened the set. Let him have his success, he'll help you with yours another time.
Rule Number 16: Don't be routine-monkey showmen to sets, especially if the lead has already hooked the set.
Rule Number 17: Don't "lean in" to merely listen to what your wing is saying/doing with a set - that sets off a "creepy friend" vibe to the set. Either go do something else and occasionally glance over to see how your friend is doing or check if your friend needs you to join the set or merge the set with another.
Rule Number 18: Whenever in doubt of the situation, take the lead of the wing who opened the set. If it crashes, it was his set anyway and that's better than your stepping on his toes.
Rule Number 19: If for whatever reason an interaction sours, don't "switch" girls. If you can pull your wing aside, however, and agree to it, don't do it in an obvious way. The lead should remain the lead.
Rule Number 20: Just because you're winging for someone does not mean you automatically have dibs on the non-targets if pursuing them would trump up your wing. Remember, you're winging to support your friend so that he can do the same for you at another time. If it turns out that a lot of the time your wing is always in the lead position and controlling the sets and you're not experiencing a reasonable portion of the successes, talk it over with your wing. If he's been benefiting from you constantly yet not empathising with you about it, then it's time to drop him as a wing and find another. Winging is supposed to be mutually benefitial and if you're not at least learning from your wing (to apply successful game on your own), let alone experiencing a fair portion of successes, then the partnership is badly balanced.
Rule Number 21:Don't brute-force join your way into your wing's set without being called or accepted in by the wing.
Rule Number 22: If you're rolling with a large crowd of guys, don't cling to the group all night. Also, don't as a group stare from afar at a wing's interaction with a set - that is noticed by sets and gives off a creepy vibe.
Rule Number 23: Always try be obervant of your wing and his interactions, using your ears and eyes and intuition. If you don't have a clue what your wing is doing, you might trip up his lead.
Rule Number 24: You may have better skills or taste in women than your wing, but don't immediately presume that means wing rules get thrown out the window. The lead still has first choice of target and you are there to wing, not take over your wing's set or overpower your wing. Wings are for support. Tackle your role to help him out and later he will do the same for you. Don't be selfish. If you expect your wing to serve girls to you then you should be willing to do the same equally and, if not, then you're being selfish.
Rule Number 25: If you're new to PU, don't get jealous. Sometimes your wing who may be more skilled will start chatting up & close a total knockout in a matter of minutes. Instead, look at those situations as an encouragement and ask your wing later to help you understand what happened.
Rule Number 26: Stay in a good mood. If you're in a bad mood or get too frustrated, it drags all your wings down with you. Instead, try to give your wings energy - it will come back to you.
Rule Number 27: No high-fiving or debriefing within auditory or visual range of a chick that we PU'd or crashed with. You move to a new venue or location in the venue to debrief.
Rule Number 28: Do not eject on a set where you're helping your wing until he succeeds in his goal, whether to contact close or extract his target or move the set to a new venue, or if he's signaled to you that it's OK to go.
Rule Number 29: If your wing opened the set, do not close your own target in the set without communicating to your wing. You can either close targets simultaneously or wait until the whole set is moved to a more docile environment.
Rule Number 30: Don't bring up negative subjects into the set your wing is working on.
Rule Number 31: Do not physically block the lead wing from the set and be observant if any part of the set tries to physically block your wing. The only blocking which should be allowed to occur on purpose is your blocking of an obstacle which might get in the way of your wing and his target.
Rule Number 32: Don't give your wing advice in-field unless it's to relay information on how you're going to lead a set. Save advice for later.
Rule Number 33: Don't talk negatively to your wing in-field, unless it's to simply state (factually, not in a negative frame) that he's intruding in some way on your set. Discussion about what might have gone wrong in a set can be discussed later.
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Mark my words i will catch a dragon one day!


All types, international is the best


"Blood in, Blood out". Greatest movie ever made


Simpsons, Family Guy


With alot of pics, nah i like cultral books.