Missy profile picture


And baby makes 5

About Me

www.drinkperfectwater.com if you want more info on how to purchase, contact me.Well I am married to a great guy who lets me be as crazy as I am and still loves me. I have 3 kids, Rylie,Nate and Reyner...and one in heaven, little Emma Nicole. Love to have 12 more, if it weren't for the being pregnant and the labor and delivery thing :) I really just love hanging out with people who aren't trying to be cool, but are just okay being themselves. I'm honest, not in a mean way (at least not on purpose)but I believe what I do and I stand up for it...thankfully you have the right to do the same. I love being around people who are okay laughing at themselves.Visit my website and check out the videos www.knechtenterprises.com Password: kde459333If you are excited about fitness and wellness, or if you drink energy drinks, email me...I'd love to talk to you.

My Interests

Hmm, people interest me...I love to notice all of the differences. I also like to rollerblade, jog, play volleyball, and any other sport when it's nice outside. I love hanging with Chris and playing with my babies.
You Are An ENTP
The Visionary

You are charming, outgoing, friendly. You make a good first impression.
You possess good negotiating skills and can convince anyone of anything.
Happy to be the center of attention, you love to tell stories and show off.
You're very clever, but not disciplined enough to do well in structured environments.

You would make a great entrpreneur, marketing executive, or actor. What's Your Personality Type?

I'd like to meet:

Old friends, and people who are interested in wellness/fitness, and other business owners or people who aspire to be business owners. Any and all people who want to make a difference.


Can't ever remember what I like... Office Space, Envy,Meet the Fockers, love Fight Club, Boiler Room, oh Animal House, Cinderella Man...Hmm what else...I did love Elisabethtown so whatever you have heard it's worth at least a rental...hmm maybe I'll buy it. (I always say that and never do)


Myspace Layouts


I read lots of books. The Bible and whatever else I can that is written by someone who is successful in the areas I strive to be better in. I like John Maxwell, Dale Carnegi...and tings of dis nature. Actually a few summers ago I read How to Stop Worring and Start Living by D. Carnegi, and, not that I was a worry wort or anything but it totally changed my perspective. I guess you don't realize how much you internally obsess and waste energy on things that don't really matter. Or maybe it's just me ;-)


Jesus. Chris Knecht, b/c he's the coolest guy since Jesus. My Grammy b/c I don't think she has ever said a mean spirited thing about anyone ever. Jean Bishop b/c she is probably the strongest women I've ever known. And of course Rylie Knecht. Because she's the best little person I've ever known, and she makes me want to be better.

My Blog


That's right if you were curious enough to look you must be my friend so I must let you know that the Knecht family is about to have a new addition.  Baby number three will be born in late summer...
Posted by Missy on Fri, 29 Dec 2006 10:58:00 PST

What Should I be for Halloween?

Okay friends, I have an unexpected Halloween party in the very near future and I was wondering if you could give me any ideas as to what I should be?  Doesn't need to be extravagant just fun.&nbs...
Posted by Missy on Wed, 18 Oct 2006 09:22:00 PST

Pain is just weakness leaving your body.

Come on I'm not that clever, I heard that somewhere and I love it.  We all go through the growing pains of life, just let that help you become who God intended for you to be and not an excuse sto...
Posted by Missy on Thu, 12 Oct 2006 07:39:00 PST


Well I've found that you can either humble yourself in private or life will publicly humble you. Accept your inner geek, embrace it, love it. ...
Posted by Missy on Sat, 18 Mar 2006 12:33:00 PST